sapplica / sentrifugo

Sentrifugo is a FREE and powerful Human Resource Management System (HRMS) that can be easily configured to meet your organizational needs.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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User login form post action not working #350

Open sinoSugar opened 3 years ago

sinoSugar commented 3 years ago

Hi All,

I recently installed Sentrifugo 3.2 in virtual machine SSL. Installation was successfully completed But unable to login .

When I debugged the application\modules\default\controllers\IndexController.php loginpopupsave Action the post values(username and password) not reaching in the controller action.

Please help me to find a solution for this

varapraveenps commented 3 years ago

Can you turn on HTTP debugger/Any Browser level debuuger and see what are values posted the login url