sapplica / sentrifugo

Sentrifugo is a FREE and powerful Human Resource Management System (HRMS) that can be easily configured to meet your organizational needs.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Sentrifugo + Synology Webstation (Database Setting Error) #365

Open sh2i opened 2 years ago

sh2i commented 2 years ago

I've surfed the web and contact Synology support without luck and are there anyone who have attempted to host Sentrifugo with webstation package of Synology?

I have configured to step 2 and failed miserably regarding "Database Setting". Could not get host to work? Try localhost, try public ip (port 80 and 443) and random stuff.

I really appreciate any input here. webstationdb3

sh2i commented 2 years ago

Update: well after miserably waiting for people input and numerous talking back and forth with synology support team to no luck, I have figured it out. So, I leave the message here just in case someone needs this information in the future. Host your own sentrifugo on synology webstation In Synology Install: 1- Apache HTTP Server 2.4 2- Webstation 3- Phpmyadmin 4- MarianDB 10 (port 3307)

Firewall to allow Synology to connect to database port 3307 Synology/control panel/firewall/web station: protocol TCP, allow port 3307

Sentrifugo Prerequisites (can be checked under Synology/Webstation/PHP settings/PHP 7.3/Edit/... check the required dependencies. a Update: I have encountered 500 Internal Server Error when configured: to solve this problem, I've checked all required dependencies.

Database Setting (where I had encountered issued)