sapplica / sentrifugo

Sentrifugo is a FREE and powerful Human Resource Management System (HRMS) that can be easily configured to meet your organizational needs.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Needs to add Project Phase #66

Open ajay021987 opened 7 years ago

ajay021987 commented 7 years ago

Some of the organisation project structure contain the project id / name , project phase and project task . So is there any why we can project phase next to project name or project id.Like I have project abc and project phase is phase-1 design or phase-2 construction needs to be add than add task what task we have done in this phase condition.It really helpful if you will add this also are make it optional so who want they can phase option in there project.Also is there any way we can integrate the Biometric system in the timesheet to get exact and automatic working hours in the system.Is payroll module is in roadmap in next future release.

sapplica commented 7 years ago


In Sentrifugo, you can select the project phase in the field 'Status' in add project page. Go to: Time › Projects › Add. Currently, biometric system and payroll are not available in Sentrifugo.