saqimtiaz / hesperian-mhealth-pregnancy-warning-signs

Mobile app using Hesperian content about warning signs during pregnancy
MIT License
4 stars 3 forks source link

Validate html #29

Closed saqimtiaz closed 13 years ago

saqimtiaz commented 13 years ago

As a part of the build process we should run the final index.html through html-tidy to fix any issues in the HTML such as unclosed tags and ensure proper indentation and formatting. However, html-tidy strips empty tags from the HTML - which we at times are using for clearing floats - so we'll need to identify and fix these occurrences. Recommend that we take the time to run every content HTML file through html tidy and correct any errors identified.

Tidy has a fair few options and I have played with them a little, the following should be a decent starting point: tidy -i --indent-spaces 4 --hide-comments 1 --drop-proprietary-attributes 0 -f errs.txt html/index.html > html/fixed.html

mlitwin commented 13 years ago

done - found some good errors, not all of which are yet fixed. Errors will be spat out by the make. Note that I worked around the empty tags issue, rather than put something in all the empty tags.