sara-chronister / syndrome-definition-evaluation

R code for evaluation of NSSP BioSense ESSENCE syndrome definition results using ESSENCE APIs.
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Make Syndrome Evaluation Results Easier to Access in R #27

Closed DOH-TJB0303 closed 3 months ago

DOH-TJB0303 commented 4 months ago

Make the following objects available (in the top level) of R's global environment. They are currently nested in lists which may be hard for newer R users to access/know where to look:

  1. syndrome_eval_list[[i]]$results$clean
  2. syndrome_eval_list[[i]]$analysis$elements_detected.

A couple of ideas:

  1. Use conditional logic on the saving of the workflows .RData file
  2. Break out syndrome_eval_list list elements into the global environment using list2env(syndrome_eval_list, envir = .GlobalEnv)