sara-javadzadeh / FastViFi

Detect viral infection and integration sites on NGS input. Manuscript is in preparation.
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ViFi pipeline has warning messages and test dataset can't generate expected results #2

Closed shengzhulst closed 2 years ago

shengzhulst commented 2 years ago

Hi Sara, I did meet another problem when I tested the ViFi pipeline, I used the most updated docker version of ViFi and script. The pipeline works well on the beginning steps and It seems like fail at the step run the I check the reduced.csv and find it's empty. I am using the last line command in the and set up everything well. Here I stick the error message here and can you help me check what's happening?

sara-jvz commented 2 years ago

Hi Shiting,

Thanks for bringing this up. In order to locate the problem, could you please provide the following?

shengzhulst commented 2 years ago

Hi Sara, Sorry to reply a little late, I post the output.txt(stdoutput) and output.log(stderr) here. And the command I run is python $VIFI_DIR/scripts/ --cpus 2 --hmm_list /shiting/ViFi_reference/viral_data/${virus}/hmms/hmms.txt -f $VIFI_DIR/test/data/test_R1.fq.gz -r $VIFI_DIR/test/data/test_R2.fq.gz -o $VIFI_DIR/tmp/docker/ --docker --viral_reference_dir $REFERENCE_REPO --hg_data_dir $AA_DATA_REPO --vifi_dir $VIFI_DIR 2>&1 >output.log ViFi_output.log ViFi_output.txt

For the ls $AA_DATA_REPO, ls $REFERENCE_REPOI have a picture here. image

sara-javadzadeh commented 2 years ago

Hi Shiting,

Thanks for providing the info. Looks like the file 'reference.txt' in 'data_repo' directory is missing. I updated the ViFi repository installation script and README to create the file as a step of the installation ( Please remove the 'data_repo' directory and repeat the installation steps.

For any other problems with ViFi, I would appreciate it if you could open an issue on the ViFi repository ( It would be much easier to link the issues and fix commits on the same repo. Also, others can follow the ViFi installation issues easier on the ViFi repository.

Thanks, Sara