saraff-9EB1047A4BEB4cef8506B29BA325BD5A / Saraff.Twain.NET

Saraff.Twain.NET is the skillful scanning component which allows you to control work of flatbed scanner, web and digital camera and any other TWAIN device from .NET environment. You can use this library in your programs written in any programming languages compatible with .NET technology.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Accessing SourcesCount in TwainExternalProcess.Execute : invalid operation #38

Closed SilverSnake83 closed 5 years ago

SilverSnake83 commented 5 years ago


I have an issue with the saraff lib. On the last version (Saraff.Twain, Saraff.Twain.Aux When I trie to launch a TwainExternalProcess.Execute I get an error when accessing to SourcesCount.

Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object

Source _result =null;
    System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(this.GetType().Assembly.Location), Source.x86Aux),
    twain => {
            for (var i = 0; i < twain.SourcesCount; i++)
                if (twain.GetSourceProductName(i).ToUpper().Contains(nameScanner))
                    _result = new Source
                        Id = i,
                        Name = twain.GetSourceProductName(i),
                        IsX64Platform = false,
                        IsTwain2 = twain.IsTwain2Supported,
                        IsDefault = twain.SourceIndex == i
        catch(Exception e)
            FujitsuLogger.log("_GetSources : " + e.Message);

return _result;

I tried the same code with version Saraff.Twain.Aux and Saraff.Twain and now it's working fine. The problem is once I try to do this:

    twain.SetCap(TwCap.XResolution, 50);
catch (Exception e)
    FujitsuLogger.log("XResolution : " + e.Message);

It gives an error

Data pameter out of range

And the resolution is in the list of twain.Capabilities.XResolution.Get()

I did manage to get the scan working for a breif amount of time, but now I always get that error.

saraff-9EB1047A4BEB4cef8506B29BA325BD5A commented 5 years ago

Hello, @SilverSnake83 For first part of issue, check that you has updated to latest version (Saraff.Twain, Saraff.Twain.Aux packages in all projects (a your scan app, a Saraff.Twain.Aux_MSIL.exe and a Saraff.Twain.Aux_x86.exe). Also, you must copy a Saraff.Twain.Aux_MSIL.exe and a Saraff.Twain.Aux_x86.exe (with confing file) to a your scan app location.

For second part of issue, try change type of value for a capability value: twain.SetCap(TwCap.XResolution, 50f). see General (not strongly typed) accessing to a capabilities. Also, you can write follow: twain.Capabilities.XResolution.Set(100f), see Strongly typed accessing to a capabilities

SilverSnake83 commented 5 years ago

Apparently I resolved the first part of the issue by double checking every files and config files. My bad. The second problem was due to a missing directory in the SetupFileXferEvent event. I was puting an inexistant folder in the path of e.FileName. The error messages could have been more comprehensive but you helped me anyway, so thank you for your amazing work and help !