sarahavilov / secure-login

Secure Login is a login extension for Mozilla Firefox integrated password manager
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Webextension marked as obsolete in Firefox 55 !? #41

Open seboss666 opened 6 years ago

seboss666 commented 6 years ago


I have a strange behaviour from Firefox, that report "obsolete" even though I have the webextensions flavour of Secure Login (I switch almost directly after the announcement of the availability). I'm on Manjaro Linux, with the latest stable version (55.0.1 64bit).

What could go wrong ? May an old reference in some of the profile's databases be misleading FF ? obsolete

It may be related to

(anyway, I use this thread to thank you for your work on it :) )

To be sure I'm not encountering influence from other extensions, I'm looking to replace all the others in the capture picture, I may update when it's done.

d4k0 commented 6 years ago

I think Secure Login isn't a "real" WebExtension add-on yet, but a WebExtension add-on embedded in one of the old add-on types (the name also suggests this). uBlock Origin does the same as far as I know, but there is a "real" WebExtension version of it for testing which will replace the old one when Firefox 57 is released.

sarahavilov commented 6 years ago

as @d4k0 mentioned, SL is an embedded WE. Unfortunetly the API to retrieve credentials is not yet implemented and hence there is no way to release the actual WE extension at this point!

crssi commented 6 years ago

@sarahavilov is there any mozilla plan for needed API? If it is, do you know for which version of FF is scheduled?

Anyway, very good job and thank you for this WE. It is one of 16 addons/WE I use and "I could not live without" :)


d4k0 commented 6 years ago

@crssi, I found this:

It seems that the API won't be ready for Firefox 57 :-(.

crssi commented 6 years ago

crap :( There is so many issues open for WEs that I hope mozilla will pospone addons blockage to FF58, or at least until they resolve those issues.

sarahavilov commented 6 years ago

Since it is very unlikely Mozilla provides some useful APIs soon, you can consider using KeePass application. If so switch to

crssi commented 6 years ago

Nah, keepass is no match to your extension, where I can have firefox sync between computers without complicate installing keepass everywhere i need. ;) Will have to click manually until mozilla resolves showstopper for your great extension or will stay on FF55, 56 or ESR until resolved. Thank you

sarahavilov commented 6 years ago

Definitely the internal password manager is easier to use. But regarding KeePass, you can share the database with Dropbox and use it in multiple PCs. At least this is what I am planning to do.

WyattBest commented 6 years ago

I'm also just manually clicking until this is available in FF57+. This was one of my top five extensions!

crssi commented 6 years ago

^^Same here. It looks we will manually click at least until FF59 :( See here