sarahdesmarais / ecommerce-pattern-library

A term-long project redesigning an ecommerce website focusing on making a pattern library.
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Grade Request & Rubric #3

Open sarahdesmarais opened 4 years ago

sarahdesmarais commented 4 years ago


I believe my pattern library is complete and represents an ecommerce website. I designed the majority of components needed to create a whole website. I say majority, because when desgning both surprise pages, I realized I hadn’t done a table. I don’t think I missed anything else. The other components in my pattern library have variations therefore I was able to use them in different instances (ex: my banner on my shop page became the same banner on my bulk promotion page)

I’ve included sufficient descriptions for each of these components. If someone else was to follow my guide, they would be successful in their design. Unfortunately, we couldn’t pass our work to a classmate to test that theory, but I strongly believe they would be able to design pages based off my pattern library.

Overall, I absolutely loved the whole process. I enjoyed creating all the pieces individually then bringing it all together and easily build a page. It was a bit confusing at first to wrap my head around what goes where, for example: having css and config files for each pattern, setting the product card for 10+ items, or adding the {{include.text}} tag with variables. But in the end, it was a great learning experience and I wish we could’ve done it in previous/future Web Dev classes.

After completing the rubric (see below), I believe I deserve an A because my website and pattern library demonstrates excellent understanding of the material we learnt this semester.

Marking Rubric 22/24 Style & Design: 3 points Patterns: 3 points Explanations: 3 points Accessibility: 2 points Semantics: 3 points Responsiveness: 3 points Code Quality: 3 points GIT & Commits: 2 point

thomasjbradley commented 4 years ago

The design of your website is fantastic—I think it turned out really well! Thanks putting in the effort this term to produce a full website & learn the material.