As a user after logged it will show a home page. On the home page there will be a list of emoji emotions to select from on the left. Once a emoji emotional state is selected it will direct user to the single entry page to complete the journal entry. Also, on the home page will be a place to record 3 emotional goals to the top right and on the bottom half of the screen will be a recap of up to the last 28 journal entries showing the emoji and date only. If a user selects a journal entry they will be directed to the single entry view.
WHEN logged in
THEN it will show the home page with a Navbar
AND on the left I will see a section that shows possible emojis to choose for logging daily emotional state
AND at the top of that section will be a question that says "How are you feeling today? Please choose an emoji."
AND Next to that will be a section for showing emotional goals that can be updated and changed at any time. It will have 3 input fields and an update and save button below the input fields.
AND below that will be a recap of previously logged emotions up to the last 28 logged journal entries. That can be clicked to view each journal entry on a separate single view page.
In src/components/pages create a homePage folder with a homePage.js and homePage.scss file in it.
-- Will include state for emoji, goals, journalEntries
-- getEntries, buildEmojis, buildGoals
-- render: create 3 separate divs: emoji div, goals div and journalEntries div.
-- Emoji div will call the buildEmojis function.
-- the journal entry summary div will call the buildSummary function.
In src/helpers/data create a journalData.js file
-- create a getEntryByUid function
in src/helpers/data create a emojiData.js file
-- create a getAllEmoji function
in src/ create a goalsData.js file
-- create a getAllGoals function
User Story
As a user after logged it will show a home page. On the home page there will be a list of emoji emotions to select from on the left. Once a emoji emotional state is selected it will direct user to the single entry page to complete the journal entry. Also, on the home page will be a place to record 3 emotional goals to the top right and on the bottom half of the screen will be a recap of up to the last 28 journal entries showing the emoji and date only. If a user selects a journal entry they will be directed to the single entry view.
WHEN logged in THEN it will show the home page with a Navbar AND on the left I will see a section that shows possible emojis to choose for logging daily emotional state AND at the top of that section will be a question that says "How are you feeling today? Please choose an emoji."
AND Next to that will be a section for showing emotional goals that can be updated and changed at any time. It will have 3 input fields and an update and save button below the input fields. AND below that will be a recap of previously logged emotions up to the last 28 logged journal entries. That can be clicked to view each journal entry on a separate single view page.