Thanks for meeting today. I have attached a rough outline and images of the pages/functionality we discussed.
Home page
-sidebar=Play, Create, Leaderboard
-Login/create account button
-feed (recent quests and player comments)
-search (search for a quest by location/difficulty/time etc)
-users can create a quest using some sort of form (title of quest, each hint, GPS location solution, time allowance etc.)
-people can filter scores by city, country, world to see where they rank
Game itself (see attached coloured image)
-game progresses with each hint (hint is the main content)
-user can click "check location", once they think they are in the correct location (could also be automatic?)
-can add functionality of items to reduce time, reduce GPS radius
-can add functionality of a chat bot to provide assistance (or simply talk about a possible feature)
Tasks to get started on:
-Skeleton html pages
-GPS functionality
-User creation/database
-Player forum/feed under "Play"
Feel free to reply with what you would be happy working on. I'll get a start on creating the skeleton pages. I think this weekend might be a good target, let me know :)
Hey everyone,
Thanks for meeting today. I have attached a rough outline and images of the pages/functionality we discussed.
Home page -sidebar=Play, Create, Leaderboard -Login/create account button
Play -feed (recent quests and player comments) -search (search for a quest by location/difficulty/time etc)
Create -users can create a quest using some sort of form (title of quest, each hint, GPS location solution, time allowance etc.)
Leaderboard -people can filter scores by city, country, world to see where they rank
Game itself (see attached coloured image) -game progresses with each hint (hint is the main content) -user can click "check location", once they think they are in the correct location (could also be automatic?) -can add functionality of items to reduce time, reduce GPS radius -can add functionality of a chat bot to provide assistance (or simply talk about a possible feature)
Tasks to get started on: -Skeleton html pages -GPS functionality -User creation/database -Player forum/feed under "Play"
Feel free to reply with what you would be happy working on. I'll get a start on creating the skeleton pages. I think this weekend might be a good target, let me know :)