Closed ANANDHAKUMARS closed 9 years ago
What about the same scenario with Chrome? Do you have sample JS code we can use to test?
No issues with chrome. Its working fine with same number of streams. In case of IE, it getting crashed.
if(getBrowser() === 'ieAndSafari') { webrtcPlugin(); //Contains adapter.js code }
This is how we are finding the browser and loading the plug-in at the window loading.
At a certain step, we are calling navigator.getUserMedia(constraints, successCallBack, errorCallBack)
For peer connection, peerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection(pc_config, con);
When peer connection starts increasing, CPU usage gets high stably. After reaching 7 streams, CPU usage rises to 100% and system gets crashed.
For reference, we have tried the multipeerconnection from github. it is also giving the same issue.
Will be fixed in the next release.
Closed by release 2.0.0
We were using webtrc everywhere plugin in peer connection for our project. it is working fine upto 2 streams. while it exceeds 2 streams, CPU and memory utilization reaching its maximum point and the IE browser got crashed and system got hanged. Can you please throw in some light to solve this issue?