Open RonMen opened 9 years ago
Hi, did you:
I think you problem is either:
Hi. Thanks for your hints. So what to do, I couldn't get it fixed until now!
Hi I also got the same error while compiling and I have added references to the project. Here is the list of references
obj\webrtc\modules\isac_common.lib obj\webrtc\rtc_event_log_proto.lib obj\webrtc\rtc_event_log.lib
I got the dll's and console exe but I am unable to get the video as it is getting video device manager failed error. If you have done something can you please let me know.
What is the SHA of the checkout commit of your clone of the google webrtc code ? I am working on this one: c2ee2c86f905991a8cd05ee1f35bea105b41e4e0
Hi there,
I tried to follow the hints to build the source, but I run into the following issues:
voice_engine.lib(voice_engine.channel_manager.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: static class rtc::scoped_ptr<class webrtc::RtcEventLog,struct rtc::DefaultDeleter<class webrtc::RtcEventLog> > __cdecl webrtc::RtcEventLog::Create(void)" (?Create@RtcEventLog@webrtc@@SA?AV?$scoped_ptr@VRtcEventLog@webrtc@@U?$DefaultDeleter@VRtcEventLog@webrtc@@@rtc@@@rtc@@XZ) referenced in function "public: __cdecl webrtc::voe::ChannelManager::ChannelManager(unsigned int,class webrtc::Config const &)" (??0ChannelManager@voe@webrtc@@QEAA@IAEBVConfig@2@@Z)
andaudio_coding_module.lib(audio_coding_module.codec_owner.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __cdecl webrtc::LockedIsacBandwidthInfo::LockedIsacBandwidthInfo(void)" (??0LockedIsacBandwidthInfo@webrtc@@QEAA@XZ) referenced in function "public: __cdecl webrtc::acm2::CodecOwner::CodecOwner(void)" (??0CodecOwner@acm2@webrtc@@QEAA@XZ)
andaudio_coding_module.lib(audio_coding_module.codec_owner.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __cdecl webrtc::LockedIsacBandwidthInfo::~LockedIsacBandwidthInfo(void)" (??1LockedIsacBandwidthInfo@webrtc@@QEAA@XZ) referenced in function "public: __cdecl webrtc::acm2::CodecOwner::~CodecOwner(void)" (??1CodecOwner@acm2@webrtc@@QEAA@XZ)
Something I'm missing here to build successfully?
Regards RonMen