sarbbottam / eslint-find-rules

Find built-in ESLint rules you don't have in your custom config
MIT License
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fix(rule-finder): Support for unnamed scoped packages #302

Closed bradzacher closed 5 years ago

bradzacher commented 5 years ago

ESLint supports "unnamed" scoped plugins. @scope translates to @scope/eslint-plugin.

This PR adds support for that case.

sweetlikepete commented 5 years ago

Hey Brad, this fix is awesome!

I found something that might be a problem. When you run this version of eslint-find-rules over an eslint config that contains all the rules for @getify/eslint-plugin-proper-arrows all rules come up as missing.

I'm thinking this has something to do with this eslint-plugin using rule names in the format "@getify/proper-arrows/{rule-name}" instead of what every other plugin I've ever used does "proper-arrows/{ rule-name }".

Thanks again for updating this script. I hope this information is helpful.

bradzacher commented 5 years ago

Are you sure that's correct, @sweetlikepete?

Looking at the Readme for that plugin, it says you have to prefix the rule name with the scope

ljharb commented 5 years ago

You definitely do; all scoped plugins and shareable configs work that way.

sweetlikepete commented 5 years ago

It's the only eslint plugin I have that is part of a scoped package and when I run eslint-find-rules all the rules it has are returned as unused in the format 'proper-arrows/params proper-arrows/name' when they added in my eslint rules config as '@getify/proper-arrows/params' and '@getify/proper-arrows/name'. The configuration is working correctly in eslint.

bradzacher commented 5 years ago

In regards to the failing tests - this is because @scope was only properly supported in ESLint v5. Is it worth deleting the v4 test cases? Or should we try and move them into a separate structure so v4 and v5 can be tested separately? (is it worth the effort considering v5.0.0 is almost a year old now?)

ljharb commented 5 years ago

Yes, it is still worth the effort to support as far back as we can.

Certainly if some functionality only is supported in eslint 5, we shouldn’t test it in < 5.

bradzacher commented 5 years ago

Ah small problem @ljharb.

By not testing scoped plugins/packages for < v5: the code coverage can never reach 100%, so the CI will always fail. Off the top of my head, I don't think that there's any way to make this work without creating a file that's conditionally required?

Should I reconfigure travis to disable coverage checks for < v4?

bradzacher commented 5 years ago

I used an istanbul comment to specifically disable coverage on the if statement in question, as it cannot be tested on <5 due to the differing implementations.

Note that I removed npm ls > /dev/null from the CI script, as it broke on an unrelated dependency on the node4 test.

ljharb commented 5 years ago

Why does npm ls break on node 4? It shouldn't.

bradzacher commented 5 years ago

One of the dependencies (har-validator) of dependencies (request) of dependencies (all-contributors-cli) uses a different AJV version and it causes it to error.

I think that the dependency resolution algorithm must be different in node v4?

What's the reason that it was running npm ls?

ljharb commented 5 years ago

In that case, please add nvm install-latest-npm to before_install in travis.yml, rather than removing npm ls (which, if it fails, means that nothing can be expected to work, because the dependency graph is invalid)

bradzacher commented 5 years ago

Done! That worked, so it must have been a change in the super old npm algorithm. All tests are passing now!

noamokman commented 5 years ago

Any updates on this?

noamokman commented 5 years ago

@sarbbottam are you no longer maintaining this project? Could you give permissions to other team members to advance this? Thanks!

ljharb commented 5 years ago

@noamokman we're quite capable of merging it; it just needs a second review.

ljharb commented 5 years ago

to clarify: from a collaborator :-)

noamokman commented 5 years ago

@ljharb thanks for merging this! Do you mind releasing a new version to npm? Thanks again 😄