sarbian / CustomBarnKit

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KSP loses track of what buildings are at what level. #8

Open Carnildo opened 4 years ago

Carnildo commented 4 years ago

With Custom Barn Kit installed in an otherwise-stock KSP 1.8.1 with Breaking Ground, the game will, from time to time, lose track of what buildings and/or what functionality is available. Example steps to reproduce:

  1. Start a new "Sandbox" game with "Normal" difficulty settings.
  2. Click on the Launchpad and select the "ComSat Lx" stock rocket.
  3. Launch it into orbit. Note that you'll be able to create maneuver nodes, and all orbital info options will be available in the displays.
  4. Return to KSC.
  5. Enter the tracking station.
  6. Click on the "ComSat Lx" you just launched and click "Fly".

In step 4, the Tracking Station will look as if it's level 3, and right-clicking will show "Facility level 3", but in step 6, it will act as if it's level 1. You will be unable to create maneuver nodes, and all orbital information except periapsis and apoapsis altitude will display as "LOCKED". If you launch another vessel, you'll re-gain the orbital info and the ability to create maneuver nodes until you return to KSC.

The Tracking Station isn't the only building I've had issues with (I've also occasionally lost the ability to launch large vessels, as if the launch pad had been downgraded to level 1), but it's the easiest to reproduce.

I've experienced this in both Sandbox and Science modes. I haven't tested in Career mode.

Poodmund commented 4 years ago

I can testify that this issue also occurs sometimes with the Astronaut Complex which has the effect that Kerbals are not allowed to EVA in orbit even though the building is upgraded. Unfortunately I have not found a way to reproduce this issue consistently.

SnowFeetus commented 4 years ago

Same as Poodmund, Can no longer EVA in my sandbox save for testing landers. I've tried everything to fix it but only option is start a new save :(

lpgagnon commented 4 years ago

nsgallup commented 3 years ago

I am having the same issue with 1.1.21 and 1.1.20, with OPM installed

gabevenberg commented 3 years ago

same issue in 1.10, I do not have KK installed.