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Spike report running ASP .NET on AWS #62

Closed 101Lizardman closed 5 years ago

101Lizardman commented 5 years ago

Finding out how to run ASP .NET on an AWS service.

101Lizardman commented 5 years ago

Spike #62 - Running ASP .NET on AWS

Shane Vincent - 03/04/2019 Nhi Nguyen - 03/04/2019

Goals / Deliverables

There are several systems that we could use to run .NET core on AWS. Any selected must meet these requirements:

Have decided to use AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Technologies, Tools and Resources Used

What we found out

How to setup an AWS Elastic Beanstalk server: Requirements:


Creating the environment

Adding a database (RDS) to the environment (May not be required)

Creating the environment will take about 10 minutes to complete. Once it is completed, the environment information that is displayed at the top of the page will reveal the URL of the web server that is running: image

Navigate to the URL and this message will be displayed if the server is running successfully: image

Uploading to the Server

Code can be uploaded and deployed straight on the web interface or can be deployed through the AWS toolkit for Visual Studio.

Upload from the web interface

Visual Studio's AWS toolkit

Terminating the Environment

If you wish to terminate the environment. If you are interested in saving the database in a snapshot, ensure that in the configuration of the database it is set to be snapshotted, rather than deleted.

101Lizardman commented 5 years ago

Uploaded to Wiki:

sardap commented 5 years ago

Very good