Open fl4240 opened 3 years ago
For the LED: you mention only one IO, do you only have one LED instead of a red and green one?
For the CAN, you chose the IOs on a remapped alternate function (datasheet page 34) so you need to use the following function to remap it:
* @brief Enable or disable the remapping of CAN alternate function CAN_RX and CAN_TX in devices with a single CAN interface.
* @note CASE 3: CAN_RX mapped to PD0, CAN_TX mapped to PD1
* @retval None
Open up LoxLink/Project/application_code/Loxone/CAN Driver/LoxCANDriver_STM32.cpp and change the following lines to match your board:
Then scroll down a bit and add __HAL_AFIO_REMAP_CAN1_3();
to the HAL_CAN_MspInit
function. I added it after HAL_GPIO_Init(CAN_GPIO_PORT, &gpioTX);
I hope this all works for you :-)
Hello KjellVerb, thank you for your answer, do i have to replace the : __HAL_AFIO_REMAP_CAN1_2();
with __HAL_AFIO_REMAP_CAN1_3();
? And in which file do i have to insert the code for remaping the CAN ? Thanks best regards Franz
Hi, you indeed have to change CAN1_2 with CAN1_3 (or at least I think so, I use a different chip so can't test this for you).
All of the CAN hardware related code is in LoxLink/Project/application_code/Loxone/CAN Driver/LoxCANDriver_STM32.cpp
Hi, i´ll test this today and let you know tomorrow. Thank you.
Hi, any progress on this?
Hello, yes there is. I tested yesterday. But i have to measure the gpios again from the board. Some are wrong. And when I assign the DI extension in Loxconfig, the code no longer runs. I think that some gpios will be used 2x. I still have to go through the code. Thanks Franz
Hello, last week i was ill so i testet the code yesterday. The code doesn´t stop when i assign the DI Extension in the Loxconfig, only the Run Led stops. I can switch only 9 relais. Here is the code from the LoxLegacyRelayExtension.cpp
`#include "LoxLegacyRelayExtension.hpp"
static const struct { uint16_t pin; GPIO_TypeDef *gpio; } gRelayPins[RELAY_EXTENSION_OUTPUTS] = { {GPIO_PIN_3, GPIOE}, {GPIO_PIN_1, GPIOE}, {GPIO_PIN_0, GPIOE}, {GPIO_PIN_2, GPIOA}, {GPIO_PIN_6, GPIOA}, {GPIO_PIN_7, GPIOA}, {GPIO_PIN_15, GPIOB}, {GPIO_PIN_12, GPIOD}, {GPIO_PIN_8, GPIOC}, {GPIO_PIN_9, GPIOC}, {GPIO_PIN_8, GPIOA}, {GPIO_PIN_3, GPIOB}, {GPIO_PIN_8, GPIOB}, {GPIO_PIN_9, GPIOB}, };
Setup GPIOs ***/ void LoxLegacyRelayExtension::Startup(void) { // Configure all outputs HAL_RCC_GPIOE_CLK_ENABLE(); HAL_RCC_GPIOA_CLK_ENABLE(); HAL_RCC_GPIOB_CLK_ENABLE(); HAL_RCC_GPIOD_CLK_ENABLE(); __HAL_RCC_GPIOC_CLK_ENABLE(); for (int i = 0; i < RELAY_EXTENSION_OUTPUTS; ++i) { GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_Init; GPIO_Init.Pin = gRelayPins[i].pin; GPIO_Init.Mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP; GPIO_Init.Pull = GPIO_PULLDOWN; GPIO_Init.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_LOW; HAL_GPIO_Init(gRelayPins[i].gpio, &GPIO_Init);`
I don´t understand why i can´t switch the 5 relais on PA2, PA6, PA7, PA8, PB3.
The DI extension i haven´t testet yet.
Thanks Franz
PB3 has a dedicated function JTDO so you'll need to do some googling in order to find out how to release it for GPIO use. Here's a starting point: STM32F103 - PB3 just doesn't work as GPIO
For PA* I don't have an idea, these should work according to the datasheet. Go through the code and make sure that none of these pins are defined anywhere else. It's probably best to not instantiate other extensions yet to avoid double use of GPIOs.
i´ve tested now a few boards. The PA GPIOs are not working at all. I searched the code but found no duplicate usage. Do you have any ideas what could cause problems here? I also tested a board where the CAN is mapped with the original code and only one GPIO PD2 was changed to PA2. But that didn't work either.
Hallo, ist es möglich die GPIO´s anders zuzuordnen? Ich habe eine fertige SPS Platine ( FX3U-56MR) mit dem STM32F103VCT6 diesen habe ich bereits soweit das ich den Code aufspielen kann. Leider stimmen die GPIO´s der Relais und der Eingänge nicht mit denen des Codes überein. Somit wäre es interessant ob bzw. wo und wie ich die GPIO´s anders zuordnen kann. Der CAN müsste zum Beispiel auf PD0 und PD1 das Run LED auf PD10. Ich habe schon einiges versucht leide blinkt weder das LED noch kann ich die Platine an den Miniserver verbinden. Danke im Voraus Franz.