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Super Mario Bros: Controls stop working after beating game #22

Closed sarospa closed 7 years ago

sarospa commented 7 years ago

Yup, hope you like the repro steps for this one. After you beat the game and return to the title screen, input entirely ceases to work. The game is clearly still running, because the demo will begin to play. I found this by savestating to the end using the TAS, so I don't know if it's a problem with the savestate function or if this would happen under ordinary circumstances.

I'm not saying I need to beat the game without any savestates to make absolutely sure, but...either way, this needs to be investigated. It's a pretty big hit to SMB's playability status, even if the game can, in fact, be beaten.

sarospa commented 7 years ago

It looks like bad input from controller 2 was interfering with controller 1's input. I was supposed to be strobing both controllers on writes to controller 1 port, so that would explain why controller 2 was causing problems. This should be fixed now.