sarperavci / GoogleRecaptchaBypass

Solve Google reCAPTCHA in less than 5 seconds! 🚀
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Getting stuck before clicking 'audio button' #9

Open ttraxxrepo opened 1 month ago

ttraxxrepo commented 1 month ago

Having some odd behavior, it seems like sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't... I am running the selenium

When it doesn't work, it gets to this point and then seems to not be able to click/find the audio button:

Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 7 50 50 PM
sarperavci commented 1 month ago

Interesting behavior. Did you try to increase sleep times or adding more? Unless we identify the bug, it might be a temporary solution.


ttraxxrepo commented 1 month ago

I did, at first adding time.sleep(2) to line 59 seems to have worked... until it didn't...

Playing around some more and think I have identified the issue, it seems the website is stacking recaptchas. there are 3 iframes with title = recaptcha challenge expires in two minutes ... so playing around with some javascript to see if I can always get the one on top identified and then switch to that one as opposed to just relying on the title, since iframe title is not unique to html element

ttraxxrepo commented 1 month ago

Think I got it - may be better to use this as the default instead, this way if there is only 1 iframe with the title it will find it, but if there are multiple it'll always get the one on top

    def solveAudioCaptcha(self):
            # Execute JavaScript to get the topmost iframe with a specific title
            top_frame = self.driver.execute_script(
                var iframes = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe');
                var topFrame = null;
                var highestZIndex = -1;
                for (var i = 0; i < iframes.length; i++) {
                    var iframe = iframes[i];
                    if (iframe.title === 'recaptcha challenge expires in two minutes') {
                        var zIndex = window.getComputedStyle(iframe).zIndex;
                        var zIndexNumber = (zIndex === 'auto') ? -1 : parseInt(zIndex, 10);

                        if (zIndexNumber >= highestZIndex) {
                            highestZIndex = zIndexNumber;
                            topFrame = iframe;
                return topFrame ? {src: topFrame.src, title: topFrame.title} : null;
            # Switch to the audio CAPTCHA iframe
            iframe_audio = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 10).until(EC.frame_to_be_available_and_switch_to_it((By.XPATH, f"//iframe[@src='{top_frame['src']}']")))
            # Click on the audio button
            audio_button = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 10).until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.ID, "recaptcha-audio-button")))

obaskly commented 1 month ago

@ttraxxrepo This is interesting. I've never encountered this case before while solving captchas. We can set it as default, but is it always that only the captcha on top is the one that needs to be solved?

can you provide the website link?

ttraxxrepo commented 1 month ago

It appears so. A human would only ever be able to "click" whatever the topmost captcha is, so it's a way of a bot not knowing (potentially) which element to grab.

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