sarriaroman / FabricPlugin plugin for Cordova or Phonegap
MIT License
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How to get "API Key and Build Secret"? #36

Closed atgillette closed 8 years ago

atgillette commented 8 years ago

The instructions for getting the API Key and Build Secret does not work for me. After creating a Fabric account, I have to download the xcode plugin. How can I just define a new app on the site without going thru xcode?

Justin-Credible commented 8 years ago

It appears that this currently is a limitation of the Fabric website. New users are locked to the onboarding URL and cannot get to their keys until the xcode plugin etc is manually integrated.

I've posted on Fabric's forms about this issue.

As a workaround, you can create a blank iOS or Android app from Xcode/Android Studio, integrate the IDE plugin with your blank project and launch it. This will allow you to get into the rest of the Fabric website where you can obtain your keys.

You can then use the keys for your Cordova app with this plugin, and once integrated, delete the blank project we added to Fabric earlier.

atgillette commented 8 years ago


Thanks for your your solution! I'll give that a try.

atgillette commented 8 years ago


I accidentally removed the build scripts from the build phases in xcode. How can I execute the "after_plugin_install.js" again?

Justin-Credible commented 8 years ago
cordova plugin remove cordova-fabric-plugin
cordova plugin add cordova-fabric-plugin --variable FABRIC_API_KEY=XXX --variable FABRIC_API_SECRET=xxx
atgillette commented 8 years ago

Thanks again @Justin-Credible

Justin-Credible commented 8 years ago

No problem.

Just for future reference it looks like you can get your Fabric api key/secret from this page even if you haven't add an app yet.

bommaka commented 6 years ago

//add this in tsconfig.json "files": [ "plugins/cordova-fabric-plugin/typings/cordova-fabric-plugin.d.ts" ]

// add this in angular project declare var fabric; var attributes = { foo: "data", bar: true, }; fabric.Crashlytics.addLog("about to send a crash for testing!"); fabric.Answers.sendSignUp("Facebook", true, attributes);


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