sarriaroman / photoviewer

PhotoViewer Cordova Plugin
MIT License
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Could not find com.commit451:PhotoViewsquareup.picasso:picasso #231

Closed akhil-ksolves closed 1 year ago

akhil-ksolves commented 1 year ago

Here is my ProdPhotoViewer.gradle

repositories{ jcenter() }

dependencies { implementation 'com.commit451:PhotoView:1.2.4' implementation 'com.commit451:PhotoViewsquareup.picasso:picasso:2.71828' }

android {


Already I using the implementation instead of compile but can not get the dependencies Here is the error:

Could not find com.commit451:PhotoViewsquareup.picasso:picasso. Searched in the following locations:

rolinger commented 1 year ago

@akhil-ksolves - I just resolved an issues for cordova-plugin-qrscanner-11 by simply changing compile to implementation in the /src/android/plugin-qrscanner.gradle file. I was just getting ready to do the same with this plugin when I saw your issue. So even fixing the gradle syntax is not enough.

NPM shows the latest version for this plugin @1.2.5, yet when grabbing the com-sarriaroman-photoviewer@1.2.5 or even com-sarriaroman-photoviewer@latest - it installs the 1.2.4 version.

Another issue references a fork for v1.3.0 but I haven't been able to find it and am not certain how to load it. Apparently some of these issues are fixed in the fork 1.3.0

rolinger commented 1 year ago

@akhil-ksolves - well, I just installed version 1.2.4 again, edited the src/android/photoviewer.gradle file in both the base plugin as well as the /platforms/android/com-sarriaroman-photoviewer/myApp-photoviewer.gradle files. I changed the compile to implementation in both files and everything installed/compiled cleanly for me.

Not certain where you are getting your photoviewer plugin from, but your dependencies are slightly different than whats in this plugin. Your picasso is different. Maybe you can grab this specific com-sarriaroman-photoviewer plugin and then edit the gradle as necessary, you shouldn't have to change the dependencies themselves, just the gradle call.


dependencies {
   implementation 'com.commit451:PhotoView:1.2.4'
   implementation 'com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.71828'
sarriaroman commented 1 year ago

Solved. Check