sarriaroman / photoviewer

PhotoViewer Cordova Plugin
MIT License
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Build error: gradle unable to pull .pom /.jar file from mavenCenter #239

Open bbl-jcastaneda opened 3 weeks ago

bbl-jcastaneda commented 3 weeks ago

It seems as if the .pom and .jar files have been removed from all popular repositories. anybody knows from where I can pull it now? The error I get is below.

Searched in the following locations:

tamsel12 commented 3 weeks ago

Yes , We have the same problem from yesterday, We want to move our build to stores today itself. So Please let us know any solutions

acasellasnecsia commented 3 weeks ago

@tamsel12 @bbl-jcastaneda

I tried to configure Gradle to look for and use a local .aar file instead of downloading it from a repository and it worked for me.

Place the PhotoView-1.2.4.aar file in android/app/libs (create new folder).

Then, modify the build.gradle file (XXX-photoviewer.gradle) of the module:

repositories { jcenter() flatDir { dirs 'libs' } }

dependencies { implementation(name: 'PhotoView-1.2.4', ext: 'aar') implementation 'com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.71828' }

Sync with Gradle and compile. It worked for me!

Hope this helps!

bbl-jcastaneda commented 3 weeks ago


Hi, I also had that as an alternative, but I was unable to locate the .aar file. Would you be able to share how you got that file or how I can generate it by chance?


acasellasnecsia commented 3 weeks ago

Here is the link:

Hope this helps @bbl-jcastaneda @tamsel12

tamsel12 commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, After upgrading this we can able to build the application, but photo is not opening. not working @acasellasnecsia

acasellasnecsia commented 3 weeks ago

@tamsel12 It's not quite like that, you need to make several calls for the photo to open. I finally gave up on using the plugin and started doing it manually.

tamsel12 commented 3 weeks ago

Thiis update works fine in capacitor. But in cordova , photo is not getting opened.

lmarcelocc commented 2 weeks ago

I'm using cordova-android@12.0.1 and with the following patch I was able to compile again and everything is working as before. com-sarriaroman-photoviewer+1.3.0.patch