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SpiffWorkflow is a software development platform for building, running, and monitoring executable diagrams
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Daily Timer Start Event #1398

Open calexh-sar opened 1 month ago

calexh-sar commented 1 month ago

Tried several options to start at a specified time, not working as expected. @essweine to check.

calexh-sar commented 1 month ago

@madhurrya to check again with value in quotes

madhurrya commented 1 month ago

I tried the cycle start timer with these 3 formats.

  1. When I use this format, it completes the instance immediately, so I think that format doesn't work. e.g. "R/P1D/T03H59M59S" -

  2. This format in, e.g "R5/2024-04-15T18:20:00Z/P10M" - completed this instance and created a new instance in the specified time and it is in the 'not started' state.

When I tried the same in dev.mod, "R5/2024-04-15T18:20:00Z/P10M" - it didn't create a new instance like in, instead it changed the state from 'not started' to 'running' in the specified time. And the diagram looks like this for that. image

  1. This format instance is in 'not started' state. Not sure whether it'll get triggered in 24 hours. Will check tomorrow. "R/PT20H10M59S" - "R/PT20H10M59S" -
madhurrya commented 1 month ago

Checked these 2 instances "R/PT20H10M59S" - - It seems this has completed about 20H10M "R/PT20H10M59S" - - It seems this has changed to running state after about 20H10M

But they have not created new instances.

So it seems none of the above 3 formats are doing what we expect.

madhurrya commented 2 weeks ago

Found this format "R/2024-05-13T21:00/PT12H" in a camunda forum and it seems to work.

I'll try this "R/2024-05-15T00:00/PT24H" and will post the result in few days.

madhurrya commented 2 weeks ago

@calexh-sar @MarD0607 the above format seems to work.

It got triggered at UTC 12. Format - "R/2024-05-15T00:00/PT24H"


Please let me know whether we can close this ticket as it works for that format.

calexh-sar commented 2 weeks ago

@madhurrya thanks for checking into this. Do you still have the Camunda link where you found this solution? While we are waiting to hear back from @MarD0607 if this works for him, I am going to move this issue to Documentation so @usama9500 can check if our documentation should be updated with this information.

madhurrya commented 2 weeks ago

@calexh-sar I think this is the link I referred to.