sartography / spiff-arena

SpiffWorkflow is a software development platform for building, running, and monitoring executable diagrams
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Display message to a user when a process started by a BPMN Message #1486

Open sashayar13 opened 2 weeks ago

sashayar13 commented 2 weeks ago

Add a feature allowing you to configure/diplaye a message to the user while they are waiting for a process to be prepared for them. The process instance is initiated by a BPMN message

sashayar13 commented 5 days ago

As per the discussion with the team, the following approach should be taken:

  1. Add some extended Markdown (or Markdown + HTML)
  2. Check the performance (why it's taking 5 mins or more)
  3. Try adding a Discord notification when a user task is ready

@sashayar13 to check the Markdown and create the ticket for performance