sartography / spiff-arena

SpiffWorkflow is a software development platform for building, running, and monitoring executable diagrams
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Processes with Start Timer events and Human tasks #1516

Open sashayar13 opened 3 weeks ago

sashayar13 commented 3 weeks ago

Noticed that if a process with Cycle Start Event has a human task - by the completion of the task by a user, the new cycle of the process is not kicked off

jasquat commented 3 weeks ago

@sashayar13 do you have an example process model where this is happening?

calexh-sar commented 2 weeks ago

@madhurrya or @dinithihj please see if you can reproduce this issue.

madhurrya commented 2 weeks ago

@sashayar13 do you mean a process like this?

When I complete the manual tasks, it reschedule. image

madhurrya commented 2 weeks ago

And this one also worked.


sashayar13 commented 1 week ago

@madhurrya, can you pls try not to complete the human task until the new cycle kicks off? To see can the instance be created if the previous one is not completed yet

madhurrya commented 1 week ago

@sashayar13 It doesn't seem to create a new instance if the current one is not closed. image