sartography / spiff-arena

SpiffWorkflow is a software development platform for building, running, and monitoring executable diagrams
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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New UI Branch ready for Spiffdemo Deployment #1539

Closed tcoz closed 2 weeks ago

tcoz commented 2 weeks ago

Request to get the new UI, in whatever form it's in, building and testing so it can be deployed to demo. Good way for users widen the net for user exposure.

tcoz commented 2 weeks ago

The code appears to build/test fine, but there's an error from the pypl safety scanner:

Vulnerability found in pip version 24.0 Vulnerability ID: 67599 Affected spec: >=0 ADVISORY: DISPUTED An issue was discovered in pip (all versions) because it installs the version with the highest version number...

Some brief research didn't turn up anything, put the question out to the team.

tcoz commented 2 weeks ago

Looks like this is good to go. Current link is: