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Encrypt the storing of API secrets #633

Closed harmeet-status closed 1 month ago

harmeet-status commented 6 months ago

API secrets are stored in Spiff DB, unencrypted. The host is encrypted though.

harmeet-status commented 6 months ago

Comment from @burnettk:

There is code in backend to encrypt them, so we could turn that on via configuration and re-install secrets on the four relevant envs.

burnettk commented 6 months ago

@jakubgs would you possibly be able to update the FLASK_SESSION_SECRET_KEY on each env to make it 32 characters long. spiff_backend_session_secret_key: '{{lookup("passwordstore", "services/spiff-workflow/"+stage+"/session-key")}}'.

uuidgen | sed 's/-//g' sort of thing.

we are currently using FLASK_SESSION_SECRET_KEY to encrypt the secrets, and if we use the cryptography lib, it wants a decryption key of length 32. we could truncate FLASK_SESSION_SECRET_KEY for this purpose, but that feels confusing. we could also use the simple crypt lib, which doesn't appear to have requirement. lots of options, but if it's easy/reasonable to change the FLASK_SESSION_SECRET_KEY values (i don't think we're really using them for anything at the moment, so changing them should have no effect), that would make this simpler.

jakubgs commented 6 months ago

Our secrets currently have 64 characters:

 > pass services/spiff-workflow/app-test/session-key | tr -d '[:space:]' | wc -c

I don't know if I buy making them shorter. What kind of library are you trying to use exactly?

jakubgs commented 6 months ago

If these secrets will be used for encryption and current ones are unused then the variable names should be changed to reflect their actual function.

Also, if they are not used, then how exactly are we handling cookies?

jasquat commented 6 months ago

We updated the configs needed to turn on encryption in PR #673. Set the configs mentioned there to turn it on.

burnettk commented 6 months ago

oh yeah, you're right, we're using the FLASK_SESSION_SECRET_KEY for cookies. it's the cryptography lib. we're adding a new environment variable to specify the encryption key for this new "secrets encryption" purpose: SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_ENCRYPTION_KEY_FOR_SECRETS

jakubgs commented 6 months ago

You could avoid 4 characters in that variable name by calling it SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_SECRETS_ENCRYPTION_KEY.

But ah well.

jakubgs commented 6 months ago


All environments have it.

jasquat commented 6 months ago

Reopening since we still need to merge PR #673 and release it.

jakubgs commented 6 months ago

The PR has been merged.

burnettk commented 6 months ago

I think we're releasing the code that makes use of this new env var to status prod on monday, and then we'll need to have a little party where we actually enable encryption and re-encrypt the values on each env (it will be a party because we don't have access to merge to infra--to change the env var to enable encryption--or to edit secrets on prod).

harmeet-status commented 6 months ago

@madhurrya moving this back to Ready for Release, as we need to enable this on our infrastructure. Once that is done, we can close this ticket.

jakubgs commented 6 months ago

This has been deployed since 2 weeks ago.

harmeet-status commented 6 months ago

Changing to Resolved.

burnettk commented 6 months ago

this ticket has multiple parts. the code changes to support it are live, but the env var to actually enable encryption (SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_ENCRYPTION_LIB) has not been set, and we have not manually re-encrypted secrets on all envs. @harmeet-status , do you want to set up a meeting with us and @jakubgs or a delegate who can update infra and we can knock out these two pieces?

jakubgs commented 6 months ago

I don't know if we need a meeting for this. If you need me to run some kind of script/commands to encrypt stuff in the database I'm happy to do that manually if it's just a on-off(per stage) operation.

burnettk commented 6 months ago

the environment variable to enable encryption is SPIFFWORKFLOW_BACKEND_ENCRYPTION_LIB=cryptography, but we have to delete all secrets before changing that environment variable.

jakubgs commented 5 months ago

Approved and merged the PR:

Backed up secrets from the secret table and then re-added the secrets on app-dev: % /docker/spiff-workflow/ -D spiff-workflow-backend -e 'SELECT count(*) FROM secret;'
| count(*) |
|        7 |
jakubgs commented 2 months ago

Is there anything left to do here?

jakubgs commented 2 months ago

I see on production the secrets are still not encrypted.

jakubgs commented 2 months ago

BTW, this issue should have been created in infra-spiff, not here. This should be closed favor of:

burnettk commented 2 months ago

closing in favor of the linked infra issue.

harmeet-status commented 2 months ago

@burnettk I'm thinking that we dont let the user retrieve a secret, only save it. This is just an additional level of security.

What do you think?

burnettk commented 2 months ago

turning retrieval off seems like a reasonable configuration option. we stole the existing UX from the way aws handles secrets, so I suspect some people will want one way and others will want the other way. it is undeniably handy to be able to fetch them from the UI. i would personally still fetch them, but i would need to go onto the server and run a script to be able to do so. we could remove the feature from the UI, kill the API, or both, potentially based on configuration settings. maybe we should just use permissions to implement this on status envs, since that would be simpler and already mostly built?

harmeet-status commented 1 month ago

Opening this ticket to allow us to action my last comment @burnettk


Secrets should not be able to be retrieved, they can only be saved

burnettk commented 1 month ago

Opened for this.

calexh-sar commented 1 month ago

@harmeet-status closing this ticket and will accomplish this additional work in #1348.