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[PROD bug] Something went wrong on submission of additional info - Request Travel process #699

Open harmeet-status opened 6 months ago

harmeet-status commented 6 months ago

Travel request was submitted, additional info was requested, additional info was added and on clicking submit, received this error.


Work on this ticket will be a serialization download so the Json can be analyzed.

harmeet-status commented 6 months ago

@burnettk @jasquat any debugging info that you need, I can send directly to you as can't post prod logs here on Github.

burnettk commented 6 months ago

We could potentially make this issue about being able to import/export a process instance from one environment to another. i'm trying to think of other ways to debug, but if we had this instance locally, we could probably figure out what is going on fairly efficiently.

harmeet-status commented 6 months ago

@burnettk yeah thats a good idea, can you estimate how much work this is?

burnettk commented 6 months ago

sasha points out that there may be sensitive data in the instance if we were to export so there are potential security concerns here.

burnettk commented 6 months ago

export/import also might potentially help with

harmeet-status commented 5 months ago

@burnettk I got this error again today in prod, when trying to submit a fresh instance with the same data. Seems like a recurring issue.

@dinithihj I will send you details on how to replicate.

burnettk commented 5 months ago

@harmeet-status / @dinithihj : any update on this?

harmeet-status commented 5 months ago

Here is the same notion ticket you linked above @burnettk, in Github Projects

harmeet-status commented 5 months ago

@dinithihj you can replicate this:

  1. Create a request for Travel, with the following things added: Flight to Melbourne, Flight back to Sydney, Ticket, Accomodation, check the per diem checkbox, dates 5 days in Nov 2023, amount equal to approx 1000 usd.
  2. Submit request, the BO for Insights should send back for more info
  3. As soon as the CC re-submits the info, error should be thrown
dinithihj commented 5 months ago

@harmeet-status I have tried a travel request with the above data and steps. But could not replicate the error. Below is the process instance.

Please take a look at the screenshot below and let me know if I need to change the data input.


Since the error is related to encoding/decoding, I'm wondering if it's connected to the text you put in the request. If you can, please share all the details you entered in the request. (If they are not sensitive information)

dinithihj commented 4 months ago

@harmeet-status I have tested a few instances on,, and test.mod environments with the task data you shared. But I was not able to recreate the issue in this ticket.

Process Instances

harmeet-status commented 4 months ago

Ok I have created a new ticket which allows us to dump a process instances from 1 env. to another

Lets keep this ticket open till this new one has been built and see if we can export this instance and investigate it.