Add an option to allow users to add missing cities to the datastore
User should be able to notify Support team about the missing city without a need to cancel the travel request
Support team gets a task assigned to them, saying “Please add missing city”
Support team checks the datastore (and refreshes if needed)
If the city is missing in the list, the support team adds the city to the “missing cities” list - can do it through DMN table (without a need ti develop additional functionality for DataStores navigation)
Additional DataStores functionality - being able to search
when the missing city is added to the externalDB, the city needs to be “excluded from the missing cities list
Create a new process with the user task + script to update data store
Update the Typeahead process for cities/countries
Dev - allow updating to the datastore using the json schema + optionallity introduce new features - editing datastores entries from the DataStore panel
@sashayar13 to check other dbs (source of data for countries/cities)
What would be the effort associated to implement and test the change -?
Add an option to allow users to add missing cities to the datastore