sartorlab / methylSig

R package for DNA methylation analysis
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MethylSig test function #35

Closed rcavalcante closed 4 years ago

rcavalcante commented 4 years ago

Function call

diff_methylsig(bs, group, case, control)


Differential methylation test using a beta-binomial approach

The function calculates differential methylation statistics between two groups of samples. This is the main function of the methylSig package, and the method most users should use to test for differentially methylated CpGs (DMCs) or differentially methylated regions (DMRs). The function uses a Beta-binomial approach to calculate differential methylation statistics, accounting for variation among samples within each group.



A GRanges object corresponding to loci tested and mcols with the test results. In particular,


On small test data with clear methylation differences, test for correct calls.