Closed Carota-1 closed 1 year ago
I'm not sure this is a methylSig problem so much as a system problem. Have you looked at this thread on Stack Exchange (
I would suggest asked on the Bioconductor forums, and specifically tagging the bsseq package. MethylSig doesn't have a read function, but uses the bsseq::read.bismark() function instead. When posting, I'd suggest giving an idea of the size of your data, and giving your sessionInfo().
I would also recommend taking a look at the parameters available in that function here:
For now, since this isn't particularly a methylSig problem, I'm going to close this issue.
I got an error "Error: C stack usage 10847362 is too close to the limit" when I run 23 sample by "bsseq_stranded = read.bismark( files = files, colData = data.frame(row.names = c("WT56","WT57","WT58","MU63","MU67","WT68","WT75","MU76","MU80","WT89","MU96","MU97","WT01","WT10","MU13","WT19","MU827","WT837","WT850","WT856","WT867","MU880","MU894")), rmZeroCov = FALSE, strandCollapse = TRUE,nThread=1 )" How can I resolve it?