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Files relating to the Singapore 2m amateur repeater.
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Repeater unscheduled power down #11

Open 9V1PL opened 3 years ago

9V1PL commented 3 years ago

It was noted at about 2350HRS on 2 March 2021, the repeater was not accessible. A weather check on NEA also found no inclement weather forecast which warrants such unschedule shutdown.

This was confirmed when 9V1DE was unable to reach repeater and 9V1PL tried to trigger repeater with 10W from East Coast and found unable to do so where normally 2.5W is sufficient for normal QSO operation.

rolandturner commented 3 years ago

I've never asked Jaya about this, but I suspect that corollary of "the repeater is turned during the approach of electrical storms and when the host is absent" is "the repeater is turned off when the host is asleep".

A quick peek at the svxlink logs suggests that this is exactly what's happening:

(zcat /var/log/syslog*gz ; cat /var/log/syslog /var/log/syslog.1) | grep 'Rx1: The squelch is OPEN' | cut -c 8-9 | sort | uniq -c | sed -r '-es/^/>/' 25 00 2 07 18 08 24 09 33 10 33 11 43 12 29 13 19 14 39 15 116 16 34 17 48 18 56 19 91 20 75 21 94 22 108 23

i.e. the repeater is generally off between midnight and 8:00.