Closed Sheng2216 closed 2 years ago
Hi, thanks for reporting this issue, can you confirm that the submodule sources have been updated in your local Git repository using:
~ $ git submodule update --init --recursive
Submodule path 'repos/gentoo': checked out 'ee70b0c61d10cf9413fde3689da268ca7dd9c33c'
Submodule path 'repos/musl': checked out '32f8782a939e179dbba86f3591e0dec0ed3279b4'
Submodule path 'repos/replica': checked out '174e15625157c4a1b1a00f9ba3e243d0114d8cff'
Hi, thanks for reporting this issue, can you confirm that the submodule sources have been updated in your local Git repository using:
~ $ git submodule update --init --recursive Submodule path 'repos/gentoo': checked out 'ee70b0c61d10cf9413fde3689da268ca7dd9c33c' Submodule path 'repos/musl': checked out '32f8782a939e179dbba86f3591e0dec0ed3279b4' Submodule path 'repos/replica': checked out '174e15625157c4a1b1a00f9ba3e243d0114d8cff'
the output shows only one submodule path (as shown below)
root@debian:/home/workspace/replica# git submodule update --init --recursive Submodule path 'repos/replica': checked out '33e1c1764b412cbc15724f972a3367d40db5a4e8'
I will try to clone with "git clone --recursive" again
@Sheng-IoT Thanks, we are aware of the issue in the upstream genkernel package which contains unreliable URL for boost. I've added a local version which will resolve the issues until the package has been updated in the upstream Gentoo repository.
Distribution: Debian 11 RAM: 16GB Issue description: using the multistrap packing solution to build, but failed when downloading 'boost_1_76_0.tar.bz2'. So this issue is caused by the unstable internet environment, right? Is it possible to change it to some mirror address? I already modified the source address in multistrap.conf(as shown below)
[Debian] packages=firmware-brcm80211 ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release iw packages=python3 python3-pip ntp ntpdate iperf systemd
The following packages are marked as important by aptitude and are not included by default**
packages=adduser apt-utils cpio cron debconf-i18n dmidecode debian-archive-keyring dmidecode packages=fdisk gpgv ifupdown init iproute2 iputils-ping isc-dhcp-client isc-dhcp-common kmod packages=less libreadline8 logrotate nano netbase nftables procps readline-common rsyslog packages=sensible-utils systemd systemd-sysv tasksel-data udev vim-common vim-tiny whiptail source=
keyring=debian-archive-keyring suite=stable omitdebsrc=false components=main contrib non-free
[Foreign] packages=docker-ce docker-ce-cli source= suite=bullseye omitdebsrc=false components=stable
build command: make J=8 TARGET_DISTRO=debian DEBOOTSTRAP_INCLUDE=1 CTARGET=aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu package_rpi4 here is part of the error message: