sarvex / Ghost

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Dependency Dashboard #13

Open renovate[bot] opened 4 months ago

renovate[bot] commented 4 months ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.


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Detected dependencies

core/client/package.json - `broccoli-asset-rev ^2.0.0` - `ember-cli ^0.2.0` - `ember-cli-app-version 0.3.2` - `ember-cli-autoprefixer 0.3.0` - `ember-cli-babel ^4.1.0` - `ember-cli-content-security-policy 0.3.0` - `ember-cli-dependency-checker 0.0.8` - `ember-cli-htmlbars ^0.7.4` - `ember-cli-ic-ajax 0.1.1` - `ember-cli-inject-live-reload ^1.3.0` - `ember-cli-mocha ^0.4.2` - `ember-cli-sass ^3.0.6` - `ember-cli-uglify 1.0.1` - `ember-data ^1.0.0-beta.14.1` - `ember-export-application-global ^1.0.2` - `fs-extra 0.16.3` - `glob ^4.0.5` - `node >= 0.10.0`
package.json - `bcryptjs 2.0.2` - `bluebird 2.4.2` - `body-parser 1.10.0` - `bookshelf 0.7.9` - `busboy 0.2.9` - `cheerio 0.18.0` - `colors 0.6.2` - `compression 1.2.2` - `connect-slashes 1.3.0` - `downsize 0.0.8` - `express 4.12.0` - `express-hbs 0.8.4` - `extract-zip 1.0.3` - `fs-extra 0.13.0` - `glob 4.3.2` - `html-to-text 1.2.0` - `knex 2.4.0` - `lodash 2.4.1` - `moment 2.29.4` - `morgan 1.5.0` - `node-uuid 1.4.2` - `nodemailer 6.9.8` - `oauth2orize 1.0.1` - `passport 0.6.0` - `passport-http-bearer 1.0.1` - `passport-oauth2-client-password 0.1.2` - `path-match 1.2.2` - `request 2.51.0` - `rss 1.0.0` - `semver 5.7.2` - `showdown-ghost 0.3.6` - `sqlite3 3.0.5` - `unidecode 0.1.3` - `validator 13.7.0` - `xml 0.0.12` - `blanket ~1.1.6` - `bower ~1.3.10` - `grunt ~0.4.5` - `grunt-bg-shell ^2.3.1` - `grunt-cli ~0.1.13` - `grunt-contrib-clean ~0.6.0` - `grunt-contrib-compress ~0.11.0` - `grunt-contrib-copy ~0.5.0` - `grunt-contrib-jshint ~0.10.0` - `grunt-contrib-uglify ~0.6.0` - `grunt-contrib-watch ~0.6.1` - `grunt-docker ~0.0.8` - `grunt-express-server ~0.4.19` - `grunt-jscs ~1.2.0` - `grunt-mocha-cli ~1.11.0` - `grunt-shell ~1.1.1` - `grunt-update-submodules ~0.4.1` - `matchdep ~0.3.0` - `nock 0.52.4` - `require-dir ~0.1.0` - `rewire ~2.1.0` - `should ~4.4.2` - `sinon ~1.12.2` - `supertest ~0.15.0` - `testem ^0.6.23` - `top-gh-contribs ^1.0.0` - `mysql 2.1.1` - `pg 4.1.1` - `node ~0.10.0 || ~0.12.0`
.travis.yml - `node 0.10` - `node 0.12`