sarvex / ParlAI

A framework for training and evaluating AI models on a variety of openly available dialogue datasets.
MIT License
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Dependency Dashboard #17

Closed renovate[bot] closed 3 months ago

renovate[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

Repository problems

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[!WARNING] Renovate failed to look up the following dependencies: Failed to look up docker package linux-cuda-11.

Files affected: .circleci/config.yml


These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.

Detected dependencies

.circleci/config.yml - `cimg/python 3.9.16` - `cimg/python 3.9.16` - `linux-cuda-11 2023.02.1` - `linux-cuda-11 2023.02.1`
Dockerfile - `nvidia/cuda 11.1.1-cudnn8-devel-ubuntu18.04`
.github/workflows/codeql.yml - `actions/checkout v3` - `github/codeql-action v2` - `github/codeql-action v2` - `github/codeql-action v2`
.github/workflows/lint.yml - `actions/checkout v2` - `actions/setup-python v2` - `pre-commit/action v2.0.0` - `actions/setup-python v1` - `actions/checkout v2` - `actions/setup-python v1` - `actions/checkout v2` - `actions/cache v1` - `actions/checkout v1`
.github/workflows/mega-linter.yml - `actions/checkout v3` - `oxsecurity/megalinter v7` - `actions/upload-artifact v3` - `peter-evans/create-pull-request v5` - `stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action v4`
.github/workflows/stale.yml - `actions/stale v3`
website/templates/base.html - `github-fork-ribbon-css 0.2.0` - `github-fork-ribbon-css 0.2.0` - `github-markdown-css 3.0.1@sha256-HbgiGHMLxHZ3kkAiixyvnaaZFNjNWLYKD/QG6PWaQPc=`
parlai/chat_service/core/server/package.json - `async-lock 1.0.0` - `body-parser 1.17.2` - `express 4.15.3` - `nunjucks 3.0.1` - `wait-until 0.0.2` - `ws 5.2.3` - `node >= 7.6.0`
parlai/crowdsourcing/package.json - `babel-eslint ^10.0.1` - `eslint ^8.11.0` - `eslint-config-prettier ^4.1.0` - `eslint-plugin-ignore-generated-and-nolint ^1.0.0` - `eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y ^6.2.1` - `eslint-plugin-react ^7.12.4` - `husky ^1.3.1` - `lint-staged ^8.1.4` - `prettier ^1.16.4`
parlai/crowdsourcing/tasks/acute_eval/webapp/package.json - `bootstrap ^4.3.1` - `jquery ^3.0.0` - `mephisto-task ^2.0.2` - `react 16.13.1` - `react-bootstrap ^0.32.4` - `react-dom 16.13.1` - `react-table ^6.8.6` - `@babel/cli ^7.1.0` - `@babel/core ^7.1.0` - `@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties ^7.1.0` - `@babel/preset-env ^7.1.0` - `@babel/preset-react ^7.0.0` - `babel-loader ^8.0.2` - `css-loader ^6.6.0` - `style-loader ^3.3.1` - `url-loader ^4.1.1` - `webpack ^5.0.0-rc.6` - `webpack-cli ^5.0.1`
parlai/crowdsourcing/tasks/dialcrowd/webapp-config/package.json - `antd ^4.16.13` - `axios ^0.22.0` - `bootstrap ^4.3.1` - `d3-scale-chromatic ^2.0.0` - `file-saver ^1.3.8` - `history ^4.7.2` - `material-icons-react ^1.0.0` - `mephisto-task ^1.0.3` - `npm ^6.1.0` - `random-seed ^0.3.0` - `react 16.13.1` - `react-bootstrap ^0.32.4` - `react-chat-ui ^0.3.2` - `react-color ^2.17.0` - `react-datasheet ^1.3.8` - `react-dom 16.13.1` - `react-file-reader-input ^2.0.0` - `react-ga ^2.5.3` - `react-icons ^2.2.5` - `react-iframe ^1.1.0` - `react-markdown ^3.6.0` - `react-motion ^0.5.2` - `react-redux ^5.0.6` - `react-router ^4.3.1` - `react-router-dom ^4.3.1` - `react-scripts ^3.4.4` - `react-tracking ^9.0.0` - `react-vis ^1.10.7` - `react-visibility-sensor ^5.1.1` - `reactjs-popup ^1.5.0` - `redux ^3.7.2` - `redux-saga ^0.16.0` - `serialize-javascript ^3.1.0` - ` ^2.0.4` - `uuid ^3.1.0` - `@babel/cli ^7.1.0` - `@babel/core ^7.1.0` - `@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties ^7.1.0` - `@babel/preset-env ^7.1.0` - `@babel/preset-react ^7.0.0` - `babel-loader ^8.0.2` - `css-loader ^1.0.0` - `file-loader ^6.0.0` - `style-loader ^0.23.0` - `url-loader ^2.0.1` - `webpack ^4.19.1` - `webpack-cli ^3.1.1`
parlai/crowdsourcing/tasks/dialcrowd/webapp-results/package.json - `antd ^4.16.13` - `axios ^0.22.0` - `bootstrap ^4.3.1` - `d3-scale-chromatic ^2.0.0` - `file-saver ^1.3.8` - `history ^4.7.2` - `material-icons-react ^1.0.0` - `mephisto-task 2.0.1` - `npm ^6.1.0` - `random-seed ^0.3.0` - `react 16.13.1` - `react-bootstrap ^0.32.4` - `react-chat-ui ^0.3.2` - `react-color ^2.17.0` - `react-datasheet ^1.3.8` - `react-dom 16.13.1` - `react-file-reader-input ^2.0.0` - `react-ga ^2.5.3` - `react-icons ^2.2.5` - `react-iframe ^1.1.0` - `react-markdown ^3.6.0` - `react-motion ^0.5.2` - `react-redux ^5.0.6` - `react-router ^4.3.1` - `react-router-dom ^4.3.1` - `react-scripts ^3.4.4` - `react-tracking ^9.0.0` - `react-vis ^1.10.7` - `react-visibility-sensor ^5.1.1` - `reactjs-popup ^1.5.0` - `redux ^3.7.2` - `redux-saga ^0.16.0` - `serialize-javascript ^3.1.0` - ` ^2.0.4` - `uuid ^3.1.0` - `@babel/cli ^7.1.0` - `@babel/core ^7.1.0` - `@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties ^7.1.0` - `@babel/preset-env ^7.1.0` - `@babel/preset-react ^7.0.0` - `babel-loader ^8.0.2` - `css-loader ^1.0.0` - `file-loader ^6.0.0` - `style-loader ^0.23.0` - `url-loader ^2.0.1` - `webpack ^4.19.1` - `webpack-cli ^3.1.1`
parlai/crowdsourcing/tasks/dialcrowd/webapp/package.json - `antd ^4.16.13` - `@ant-design/icons ^4.6.4` - `bootstrap ^4.3.1` - `mephisto-task 2.0.1` - `react 16.13.1` - `react-bootstrap ^0.32.4` - `react-dom 16.13.1` - `react-markdown ^3.6.0` - `react-tracking ^9.0.0` - `react-visibility-sensor ^5.1.1` - `serialize-javascript ^3.1.0` - `@babel/cli ^7.1.0` - `@babel/core ^7.1.0` - `@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties ^7.1.0` - `@babel/preset-env ^7.1.0` - `@babel/preset-react ^7.0.0` - `babel-loader ^8.0.2` - `css-loader ^1.0.0` - `file-loader ^6.0.0` - `style-loader ^0.23.0` - `url-loader ^2.0.1` - `webpack ^4.19.1` - `webpack-cli ^3.1.1`
parlai/crowdsourcing/tasks/qa_data_collection/webapp/package.json - `bootstrap ^4.3.1` - `bootstrap-chat ^2.0.0` - `mephisto-task ^2.0.2` - `rc-slider ^8.6.3` - `react 16.13.1` - `react-bootstrap ^0.32.4` - `react-dom 16.13.1` - `react-table ^6.8.6` - `react-fluid-textarea 0.0.2` - `@babel/cli ^7.1.0` - `@babel/core ^7.1.0` - `@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties ^7.1.0` - `@babel/preset-env ^7.1.0` - `@babel/preset-react ^7.0.0` - `@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin ^2.34.0` - `@typescript-eslint/parser ^2.34.0` - `babel-eslint ^10.1.0` - `babel-loader ^8.0.2` - `css-loader ^1.0.0` - `eslint ^6.8.0` - `eslint-config-react-app ^5.2.1` - `eslint-plugin-flowtype ^4.7.0` - `eslint-plugin-import ^2.20.2` - `eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y ^6.2.3` - `eslint-plugin-react ^7.20.0` - `eslint-plugin-react-hooks ^4.3.0` - `style-loader ^0.23.0` - `url-loader ^2.0.1` - `webpack ^4.19.1` - `webpack-cli ^3.1.1`
parlai/crowdsourcing/tasks/turn_annotations_static/webapp/package.json - `bootstrap ^4.3.1` - `mephisto-task ^2.0.1` - `react 16.13.1` - `react-bootstrap ^0.32.4` - `react-dom 16.13.1` - `serialize-javascript ^3.1.0` - `@babel/cli ^7.1.0` - `@babel/core ^7.1.0` - `@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties ^7.1.0` - `@babel/preset-env ^7.1.0` - `@babel/preset-react ^7.0.0` - `babel-loader ^8.0.2` - `css-loader ^1.0.0` - `file-loader ^6.0.0` - `style-loader ^0.23.0` - `url-loader ^2.0.1` - `webpack ^4.19.1` - `webpack-cli ^3.1.1`
projects/roscoe/baselines/requirements.txt - `rouge-score >=0.1.2` - `bert-score >=0.3.9` - `sentencepiece >=0.1.86` - `fairseq ==0.9.0` - `sacrebleu >=1.4.8`
requirements.txt - `coloredlogs ==14.0` - `datasets <2.2.2,>=1.4.1` - `docutils <0.16,>=0.14` - `emoji ==0.5.4` - `fairscale ~=0.4.1` - `docformatter ~=1.4.0` - `flake8-bugbear ==19.8.0` - `flake8 ==3.7.8` - `fuzzywuzzy ==0.18.0` - `google-cloud-storage ==1.43.0` - `iopath ~=0.1.8` - `gitdb2 ==2.0.5` - `GitPython ==3.1.32` - `hydra-core >=1.1.0` - `ipython ==7.31.1` - `torch ==2.0.0` - `torchvision ==0.15.1` - `joblib ==1.2.0` - `nltk ==3.6.6` - `omegaconf >=2.1.1` - `pandas ==1.4.0` - `pytest_regressions ==2.4.2` - `pytest ==7.3.0` - `pexpect ==4.7.0` - `Pillow ==9.3.0` - `py-gfm ==1.0.2` - `py-rouge ==1.1` - `pyyaml ==5.4` - `pyzmq ==18.1.0` - `regex >=2021.8.3` - `myst-parser <1` - `attrs ~=20.2.0` - `requests-mock ==1.7.0` - `requests <3,>=2.21.0` - `scipy ==1.10.0` - `sh ==1.12.14` - `sphinx_rtd_theme ==0.4.3` - `sphinx-autodoc-typehints ~=1.10.3` - `Sphinx ~=5.1.0` - `subword-nmt ==0.3.7` - `tensorboardX <=2.5.0` - `tokenizers >=0.13.3` - `tomli >=2.0.0` - `torchtext ==0.15.1` - `tornado ==6.3.3` - `tqdm ~=4.62.1` - `typing-extensions ==4.5.0` - `Unidecode ==1.1.1` - `urllib3 <1.27,>=1.26.5` - `websocket-client ==0.56.0` - `jsonlines ==1.2.0` - `numpy ~=1.23.0` - `markdown <=3.3.2` - `jinja2 ==3.0.3` - `ninja ~=` - `protobuf <=3.20.3, >=3.8.0` - `contractions ~=0.1.72` - `fsspec ~=2022.2.0` - `google-api-core <=2.11.0` - `openai <=0.27.7`

github-actions[bot] commented 11 months ago

This issue has not had activity in 30 days. Please feel free to reopen if you have more issues. You may apply the "never-stale" tag to prevent this from happening.