sarxos / ryzom-network-client

This is Java client for LV-20 Ryzom Network, crafted by the Matis engineers after studies performed on very ancient amber cubes found at the Megacorp SAT01-B satellite crash site near Sandy Workshop of Aeden Aqueous.
MIT License
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Sample code - run-time error #2

Open mambrus opened 8 years ago

mambrus commented 8 years ago

If MAX_LOGIN_TIME is changed to 500000, a run-time error will occur even tough function is successful (i.e. "/tell user message" is delivered).

[main] ERROR - Unable to logout user in 500000 ms
mambrus commented 8 years ago

To elaborate issue #2: "Sample code - run-time error" (issue 2 here)[]

I believe the error message should be a warning, not triggered by a constant for login (as it mentions logout, not login) and quite possible not occur at all as code works.

IOW I think there is a mistake/bug in the logic, but I didn't check carefully. I.e. dismiss this issue if it can't be reproduced or if code works as intended.