sarxos / webcam-capture

The goal of this project is to allow integrated or USB-connected webcams to be accessed directly from Java. Using provided libraries users are able to read camera images and detect motion. Main project consist of several sub projects - the root one, which contains required classes, build-in webcam driver compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac OS, which can stream images as fast as your camera can serve them (up to 50 FPS). Main project can be used standalone, but user is able to replace build-in driver with different one - such as OpenIMAJ, GStreamer, V4L4j, JMF, LTI-CIVIL, FMJ, etc.
MIT License
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Unable to get Webcam-capture to work with CubieBoard 1 A10 ARM SIGSEGV crash #387

Open jeronimonunes opened 9 years ago

jeronimonunes commented 9 years ago
[webcam-discovery-service] DEBUG - Video file detected /dev/video0
[webcam-discovery-service] DEBUG - Creating V4L4J device from file /dev/video0
[ libvideo.c:68 ] Using libvideo version 0.9-UNKNOWN
[webcam-discovery-service] TRACE - Get video device info
[webcam-discovery-service] TRACE - Support BGR conversion true
[webcam-discovery-service] TRACE - Support JPG conversion true
[webcam-discovery-service] TRACE - Support RGB conversion true
[webcam-discovery-service] TRACE - Support YUV conversion true
[webcam-discovery-service] TRACE - Support YVU conversion true
[webcam-discovery-service] TRACE - Testing JPEG (DISCRETE)
[webcam-discovery-service] TRACE - Testing RGB24 (UNSUPPORTED)
[webcam-discovery-service] TRACE - Testing BGR24 (UNSUPPORTED)
[webcam-discovery-service] TRACE - Testing YUV420 (UNSUPPORTED)
[webcam-discovery-service] DEBUG - Best image format match JPEG - 49
[br.ufmg.dcc.luar.follower.HelloWorld.main()] INFO - Discovery will not run - driver V4l4jDriver does not support this feature
[atomic-processor-1] INFO - Opening webcam /dev/video0
[atomic-processor-1] DEBUG - Opening V4L4J device /dev/video0
[atomic-processor-1] DEBUG - Constructing V4L4J frame grabber
[atomic-processor-1] ERROR - Resolution mismatch 160x120 vs 320x240, setting new one
[atomic-processor-1] DEBUG - Starting V4L4J frame grabber
[atomic-processor-1] DEBUG - Webcam V4L4J is now open
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0xb677c3ac, pid=17723, tid=2735006832
# JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (8.0_60-b27) (build 1.8.0_60-b27)
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (25.60-b23 mixed mode linux-arm )
# Problematic frame:
# V  []  LinkResolver::runtime_resolve_virtual_method(CallInfo&, methodHandle, KlassHandle, Handle, KlassHandle, bool, Thread*)+0x74
# Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# /home/cubie/line-follower/hs_err_pid17723.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:

Using libaries:

public class HelloWorld {

    static {
        System.setProperty("org.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel", "info");
        System.setProperty("", "trace");
        Webcam.setDriver(new V4l4jDriver());

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException,  InterruptedException {
        Webcam webcam = Webcam.getDefault();;
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        int i = 0;
        BufferedImage image = null;
        while(System.currentTimeMillis() - start < 2000){
            image = webcam.getImage();
            if(webcam.isImageNew()) i++;
        ImageIO.write(image, "png", new File("hello.png"));
        System.out.println(i/2+" FPS");
sarxos commented 9 years ago

Hi @jeronimonunes,

Unfortunately I was unable to get my hands on CubieBoard and thus unable to prepare capture driver working on this hardware.

I see you are using V4L4J, but I compiled it on Raspberry Pi.

jeronimonunes commented 9 years ago

At first I didn't managed to make it work with the default driver, so I ended up trying all drivers. Most of them gave me a Segmentation fault. (I belive FSWebcam was the only one working) But in the end I got back to the default driver and it was working.

As other driver is working, maybe the issue isn't a problem. But if you want to fix the V4L4J driver, I can make one cubie available on internet for you to compile V4L4J. I tried and got the same error.
