sarxos / webcam-capture

The goal of this project is to allow integrated or USB-connected webcams to be accessed directly from Java. Using provided libraries users are able to read camera images and detect motion. Main project consist of several sub projects - the root one, which contains required classes, build-in webcam driver compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac OS, which can stream images as fast as your camera can serve them (up to 50 FPS). Main project can be used standalone, but user is able to replace build-in driver with different one - such as OpenIMAJ, GStreamer, V4L4j, JMF, LTI-CIVIL, FMJ, etc.
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Not Capturing Image on Windows 10 #742

Closed raphaelbn closed 4 years ago

raphaelbn commented 4 years ago


I'm facing a problem with sarxos api. I'm using windows 10 and java 8, but the camera is black, like is not working, not capturing image.

When I use windows 8 or linux, the application works fine.

There is something to do?

My code is below:

` public class App {

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {

    Webcam webcam = Webcam.getDefault();

    WebcamPanel panel = new WebcamPanel(webcam);

    JFrame window = new JFrame("Test webcam panel");

} `

noorball commented 4 years ago

This code works just fine for me (Windows 10, Java 8). You can try to check permissions in Camera privacy settings in default Windows settings and in Vendor settings app (e.g. Lenovo Vantage etc).

raphaelbn commented 4 years ago

It's so weird.. I am using desktop pc and I've already checked and setup the Camera privacy in Windows. For me is showing a black panel. Looks like the application can communicate with the camera, but could not show the image. I don't know if it's a driver problem or hardware problem. My camera is C922 Pro Stream Webcam.


raphaelbn commented 4 years ago

In others application from Windows the image is showing.

raphaelbn commented 4 years ago

The debug console:

` SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings. SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/C:/Users/raphael.nascimento/Downloads/logback-classic-1.0.9.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/C:/Users/raphael.nascimento/.m2/repository/org/slf4j/slf4j-log4j12/1.7.26/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.26.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] SLF4J: See for an explanation. SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [ch.qos.logback.classic.util.ContextSelectorStaticBinder] 09:46:07.748 [main] INFO - WebcamDefaultDriver capture driver will be used 09:46:07.755 [webcam-discovery-service] DEBUG c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDriver - Searching devices 09:46:08.275 [webcam-discovery-service] DEBUG c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDriver - Found device C922 Pro Stream Webcam 0 09:46:08.275 [webcam-discovery-service] DEBUG c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDriver - Found device Logi Capture 1 09:46:08.279 [main] DEBUG - Setting new resolution 640x480 09:46:08.362 [main] DEBUG - Starting panel rendering and trying to open attached webcam 09:46:08.369 [SwingWorker-pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG - Lock Webcam C922 Pro Stream Webcam 0 09:46:08.372 [atomic-processor-1] INFO - Opening webcam C922 Pro Stream Webcam 0 09:46:08.372 [atomic-processor-1] DEBUG c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDevice - Opening webcam device C922 Pro Stream Webcam 0 09:46:08.373 [atomic-processor-1] DEBUG c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDevice - Webcam device 0 starting session, size java.awt.Dimension[width=640,height=480] 09:46:08.692 [atomic-processor-1] DEBUG c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDevice - Webcam device session started 09:46:08.694 [atomic-processor-1] DEBUG c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDevice - Clear memory buffer 09:46:11.280 [webcam-discovery-service] DEBUG c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDriver - Searching devices 09:46:35.854 [atomic-processor-1] DEBUG c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDevice - Webcam device is now open 09:46:35.855 [SwingWorker-pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG - Webcam is now open C922 Pro Stream Webcam 0 09:46:35.864 [webcam-discovery-service] DEBUG c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDriver - Found device C922 Pro Stream Webcam 0 09:46:35.864 [webcam-discovery-service] DEBUG c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDriver - Found device Logi Capture 1 09:46:38.864 [webcam-discovery-service] DEBUG c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDriver - Searching devices 09:46:41.326 [frames-refresher-[0]] ERROR c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDevice - Timeout when requesting image! 09:46:41.332 [webcam-discovery-service] DEBUG c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDriver - Found device C922 Pro Stream Webcam 0 09:46:41.333 [webcam-discovery-service] DEBUG c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDriver - Found device Logi Capture 1 09:46:44.334 [webcam-discovery-service] DEBUG c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDriver - Searching devices 09:46:46.751 [frames-refresher-[0]] ERROR c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDevice - Timeout when requesting image! 09:46:46.758 [webcam-discovery-service] DEBUG c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDriver - Found device C922 Pro Stream Webcam 0 09:46:46.758 [webcam-discovery-service] DEBUG c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDriver - Found device Logi Capture 1 09:46:49.759 [webcam-discovery-service] DEBUG c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDriver - Searching devices 09:46:52.168 [frames-refresher-[0]] ERROR c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDevice - Timeout when requesting image! 09:46:52.174 [webcam-discovery-service] DEBUG c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDriver - Found device C922 Pro Stream Webcam 0 09:46:52.175 [webcam-discovery-service] DEBUG c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDriver - Found device Logi Capture 1 09:46:55.175 [webcam-discovery-service] DEBUG c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDriver - Searching devices 09:46:57.605 [frames-refresher-[0]] ERROR c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDevice - Timeout when requesting image! 09:46:57.612 [webcam-discovery-service] DEBUG c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDriver - Found device C922 Pro Stream Webcam 0 09:46:57.612 [webcam-discovery-service] DEBUG c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDriver - Found device Logi Capture 1 09:47:00.613 [webcam-discovery-service] DEBUG c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDriver - Searching devices 09:47:03.028 [frames-refresher-[0]] ERROR c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDevice - Timeout when requesting image! 09:47:03.041 [webcam-discovery-service] DEBUG c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDriver - Found device C922 Pro Stream Webcam 0 09:47:03.041 [webcam-discovery-service] DEBUG c.g.s.w.d.b.WebcamDefaultDriver - Found device Logi Capture 1


raphaelbn commented 4 years ago

I passed the parameter -client when run by command line e its works fine. Like this: "java -jar -client class.jar"

Why I need to pass this parameter?

raphaelbn commented 4 years ago

Problem solved.. I was using Spring Tools Suite, its a IDE based on Eclipse, but the camera doesn't work in that. Now I am using Eclipse IDE and the camera is working fine.