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Add LiteTube Back (LiteTube をウェブサイトに追加する) #1

Open seriocomedy opened 1 year ago

seriocomedy commented 1 year ago

I apologize for the Google Translate as I do not speak Japanese. I am the owner of Dorper LiteTube and I would very much appreciate it if you would add my website back to your website. I am willing to ofter you financial compensation in exchange for you adding LiteTube back to your site. There are new unblocked LiteTube domains I have registered listed below.

私は日本語を話せないので、Google 翻訳で申し訳ありません。私は Dorper LiteTube の所有者です。私のウェブサイトをあなたのウェブサイトに追加していただければ幸いです。サイトに LiteTube を追加していただく代わりに、喜んで金銭的補償をいたします。私が登録した新しいブロックされていない LiteTube ドメインが以下にリストされています。


sas-news commented 1 year ago

I don't speak English, so sorry for Google Translate. Thank you for contacting us. Sorry for the late reply. Regarding financial compensation, I cannot receive it because I am a student. Also, I don't need money because I haven't used a dime to operate this site. Unfortunately, it looks like all the URLs you provided are blocked. Is it possible to change the subdomain?

seriocomedy commented 1 year ago

Does work?

sas-news commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately this was also blocked by the i-filter. Is it not possible for me to publish LiteTube on a free server?