sasa1977 / con_cache

ets based key/value cache with row level isolated writes and ttl support
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get_or_store with a fallback feature to check for value elsewhere and load into cache #33

Closed churcho closed 5 years ago

churcho commented 7 years ago

I would like to perform a get_or_store, check if the value exists in the cache, if not, I would like to call db store lookup function, reload the result of that into the cache and if that return is {:ok, nil} I would like to inform the cache that the value doesn't exist.

My use case is as follows: I want to save a copy of my cache entry to the database so that I can persist that value over my cluster (Riak). If a user checks for a value that is missing in the cache, the system would check if that value exists in the db store, if it does then it loads it into the cache.

On cache delete, I would also like to delete the instance of that key from the data store.

sasa1977 commented 7 years ago

I would like to perform a get_or_store, check if the value exists in the cache, if not, I would like to call db store lookup function, reload the result of that into the cache and if that return is {:ok, nil} I would like to inform the cache that the value doesn't exist.

You can normally do this with get_or_store:

ConCache.get_or_store(cache_id, key, fn ->
  {:ok, value} = read_from_db(key)

The problem here is that if the value is nil (which, judging from your description, means that there's nothing in the database), we'll still cache it. Maybe that's what you want, and in that case, the solution above is the way to go.

Otherwise, conditional storing is currently not supported for get_or_store. It might be interesting to add this feature, but until that happens, there are a couple of workarounds.

Probably the simplest one is to set a very low TTL for nil values:

ConCache.get_or_store(cache_id, key, fn ->
  case read_from_db(key) do
    {:ok, nil} -> %ConCache.item(ttl: 1, value: nil)
    {:ok, existing_value} -> existing_value

This is a bit hacky, since nil is still going to be cached, but not for long (it depends on TTL settings of your cache).

A better solution is to use ConCache.isolated to conditionally store the item. The code is however more elaborate:

# First try a non-isolated read from the cache.
if (value = ConCache.get(cache_id, key)) != nil do
  # Perform isolated operation on this key. No one else can modify the value for 
  # this key until we finish.
  ConCache.isolated(cache_id, key, fn ->
    # We need to try another read, because someone could have stored the value 
    # before we got here.
    if (value = ConCache.get(cache_id, key)) != nil do
      # The value is in the cache after all -> just return it.
      # There's no value in the cache, and we're the only ones who can modify 
      # the cache.
      case read_from_db(key) do
        {:ok, nil} -> 
          # Nothing in db -> just return `nil` without storing into the cache
        {:ok, existing_value} ->
          # Something in db -> store the value into the cache, and return it
          ConCache.put(cache_id, key, value)

This would be simpler if get_or_store supported conditional storing. The implementation should be simple (mostly similar to the snippet above). However, changing the existing function would lead to a breaking change. So maybe a better approach would be to introduce another function (e.g. get_or_prime) and deprecate get_or_store.

I need to give this some more thought. In the meantime, let me know if the proposals above work for you.

sasa1977 commented 7 years ago

My use case is as follows: I want to save a copy of my cache entry to the database so that I can persist that value over my cluster (Riak). If a user checks for a value that is missing in the cache, the system would check if that value exists in the db store, if it does then it loads it into the cache.

On cache delete, I would also like to delete the instance of that key from the data store.

You may want to be careful here, because there are some race conditions with this approach. For example, if you delete an entry from the cache, but then the system stops before you persist the change, the entry is not deleted from the database.

Usually, a better way is to modify the database first, and then update the cache later. If the system crashes, the cache will reprime itself from the database, and everything will be in proper sync.

churcho commented 7 years ago

You are absolutely right, database insert first and based on return, cache save follows thereafter. I like the ConCache.isolated approach more so I will try it out and revert. Thanks

churcho commented 7 years ago

I need to give this some more thought. In the meantime, let me know if the proposals above work for you.

Which params are passed as part of the callback? Can it be used to check the ttl param so that it doesn't run a db_save operation on update if the ttl is say 1 or less than n?

sasa1977 commented 7 years ago

Which params are passed as part of the callback? Can it be used to check the ttl param so that it doesn't run a db_save operation on update if the ttl is say 1 or less than n?

Something like that could be done, but I think it's a bit hacky. So instead I'd like to consider a cleaner approach. Perhaps fetch_or_store which returns {:ok, value} or :error would be the cleanest approach here.

Secretmapper commented 7 years ago

+1 Conditional storing would be great! My use case is basically just keeping a stale value in my cache if my function fails (better old value than nothing) because my resolution function relies on a very unreliable external service

The isolated approach works great until this becomes first class though!

sasa1977 commented 7 years ago

@Secretmapper @churcho I think it would be nice to introduce the following functions: fetch, fetch_or_store, dirty_fetch_or_store. Pull requests are welcome :-)

stefanchrobot commented 5 years ago

@sasa1977 How about an extra argument for get_or_store? Something like: get_or_store(cache_id, key, store_fun, cond_fun \\ fn _ -> true end) That's backwards-compatible and looks fairly easy to implement. I'll gladly contribute a PR.

My use case is that I call external services and those calls return an ok/error tuple. Errors are most likely transient, so I don't want to cache them. I'm using get+put, but that doesn't lock so I might end up doing multiple HTTP calls in the end.

sasa1977 commented 5 years ago

@stefanchrobot I'm wondering if the proposed fetch_or_store solves the same problem in a more idiomatic way? This would allow you to do something like:

fetch_or_store(cache_id, key, &invoke_external_service/0)

Where invoke_external_service/0 returns {:ok, result} | :error?

So basically, fetch_or_store will cache the result if lambda returns {:ok, result}. Otherwise if it returns :error, nothing is cached. The result of fetch_or_store is also in the shape of {:ok, result} | :error. We could also add fetch_or_store! which crashes the client on error.

What do you think?

stefanchrobot commented 5 years ago

Oh, now I get it. You mean more idiomatic as in Access.fetch vs Access.get?

In my case I'd like to return some reason with the error: {:error, reason}, but we can still make this work by saying:

The only issue seems to be that fetch_or_store will have a different result than Access.fetch. What do you think?

sasa1977 commented 5 years ago

We don't need to mirror the access interface, since con_cache is not a data structure, and so it doesn't make sense to implement the access protocol. We just use the convention to distinguish between fetch and get.

Returning an error reason makes sense. So then the contract would be something like this:

@type fetch_or_store_result :: {:ok, store_value} | {:error, any)
@spec fetch_or_store(t, key, (() -> result)) :: result when result: fetch_or_store_result

Does that sound ok?

sasa1977 commented 5 years ago

Actually, that signature isn't right, because store_value is not necessarily the same as returned value (it can also be ConCache.Item.t). So I guess we'd have to settle with something like this:

@type fetch_or_store_fun() :: (() -> {:ok, store_value} | {:error, any})
@spec fetch_or_store(t, key, fetch_or_store_fun) :: {:ok, value) | {:error, any}
stefanchrobot commented 5 years ago

Looks good, I'll start the work on the PR.