sasagawa888 / eisl

ISLisp interpreter/compiler
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Could you please explain in README how to run tests? #181

Closed yurivict closed 2 years ago

yurivict commented 2 years ago

The Installation section should include this information.

sasagawa888 commented 2 years ago

Please make according to the type of OS. If it works, it's OK. The operation check is in the verify folder.

yurivict commented 2 years ago

The make check command prints a lot of messages and some errors and warnings: test-eisl-2.50-114-g1216d9e.txt

sasagawa888 commented 2 years ago

Don't worry about the warning. You will be in trouble if you get an error. I don't know about FBSD. Mr. Poldy may know. see

yurivict commented 2 years ago

There are errors. Am I in trouble?

sasagawa888 commented 2 years ago

Easy-ISLisp has not been confirmed to work on FreeBSD. I would be grateful if you could improve and send me a pull request.

poldy commented 2 years ago

Note that "make check" doesn't run the test suite. It runs cppcheck, a static analyzer, over the source code which although useful is something different. So errors from this may be false positives because cppcheck isn't a full compiler and may not know that some code is dead.

In the past, I have run the benchmark suite as a simple sanity test. Instructions are in documentation/ Feel free to log tickets for any issues you find, my personal workflow for debugging C is at the end of documentation/

A port to FreeBSD is likely to be very similar to OpenBSD, which I run sometimes. If you run "grep -ri openbsd ." you'll see where to start anyway.

yurivict commented 2 years ago

FreeBSD patch:

yurivict commented 2 years ago

Tests fail:

cd /disk-samsung/freebsd-ports/lang/eisl/work/eisl-2.50-114-g1216d9e && /disk-samsung/freebsd-ports/lang/eisl/work/stage/usr/local/bin/eisl -s bench/runbench.lsp

around here line=1 column=0
Illegal argument at LOAD "bench/fib20.o"
debug mode ?(help)
poldy commented 2 years ago

Tests fail:

cd /disk-samsung/freebsd-ports/lang/eisl/work/eisl-2.50-114-g1216d9e && /disk-samsung/freebsd-ports/lang/eisl/work/stage/usr/local/bin/eisl -s bench/runbench.lsp

around here line=1 column=0
Illegal argument at LOAD "bench/fib20.o"
debug mode ?(help)

I had to double-check, but I think I can explain this. I get the same error if I just run (load "bench/runbench.lsp") at the REPL in a clean checkout. It should maybe be highlighted more, but you first need to run eisl -c (to load the compiler feature), then (load "bench/cpbench.lsp") to compile all the benchmarks first. There is a comment to this effect in bench/runbench.lsp, and a perhaps cryptic command to "please compile with cpbench.lsp" in documentation/, but obviously these are easily missed. Feel free to highlight as you feel appropriate in the pull request.

sasagawa888 commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your pull request. However, there is a conflict. I can't solve it. Please make a pull request again.

yurivict commented 2 years ago

Maybe you could add a shell script to run benchmarks because it isn't obvious at all.

I tried this and failed:

        cd ${TEST_WRKSRC} && \
                ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/eisl -c && \
                ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/eisl -s bench/cpbench.lsp && \
                ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/eisl -s bench/runbench.lsp
Can't open a file at LOAD "/home/yuri/eisl/library/compiler.lsp"
debug mode ?(help)
sasagawa888 commented 2 years ago

Try the following:

eisl -c
> (load "bench/cpbench.lsp")

eisl -s bench/runbench.lsp
yurivict commented 2 years ago

It fails:

$ ./eisl -c
Can't open a file at LOAD "/home/yuri/eisl/library/compiler.lsp"
debug mode ?(help)
poldy commented 2 years ago

You need to either move your clone to $HOME/eisl or set an EASY_ISLISP variable in your environment to point to where it is, see the end of the "Installation" section of the README.

sasagawa888 commented 2 years ago

I modified the compiler for freeBSD. I added compiler options for freeBSD. It is the 241st line in compiler.lsp. Please correct the options.