sasanrose / phpredmin

Yet another web interface for Redis
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Enable or disable features #84

Closed bronco0 closed 7 years ago

bronco0 commented 7 years ago

Added ability to enable or disable features, all can be configured in the configuration file.

For example:

$config = array(
    'default_controller' => 'Welcome',
    'default_action'     => 'Index',
    'production'         => true,
    'default_layout'     => 'layout',
    #'timezone'           => 'Europe/Amsterdam',
    /*'auth' => array(
        'username' => 'admin',
        'password' => password_hash('admin', PASSWORD_DEFAULT)
    'log' => array(
        'driver'    => 'file',
        'threshold' => 0, /* 0: Disable Logging 1: Error 2: Notice 3: Info 4: Warning 5: Debug */
        'file'      => array(
            'directory' => 'logs'
    'database'  => array(
        'driver' => 'redis',
        /*'mysql'  => array(
            'host'     => 'localhost',
            'username' => 'root',
            'password' => 'root'
        'redis' => array(
                'host'     => 'localhost',
                'port'     => '6379',
                'password' => null,
                'database' => 0,
                'max_databases' => 16, /* Manual configuration of max databases for Redis < 2.6 */
                'stats'    => array(
                    'enable'   => 1,
                    'database' => 0,
                'dbNames' => array( /* Name databases. key should be database id and value is the name */
                'flush_db'  => false,
                'flush_all' => false,
                'save'      => array(
                     'enable'     => false,
                     'save_async' => true,
                     'save_sync'  => false,
    'session' => array(
        'lifetime'       => 7200,
        'gc_probability' => 2,
        'name'           => 'phpredminsession'
    'gearman' => array(
        'host' => '',
        'port' => 4730
    'info' => array(
     'enable' => true,
    'config' => array(
     'enable' => true,
    'stats' => array(
         'enable' => false,
         'reset'  => false,
    'slowlog' => array(
         'enable' => false,
    'terminal' => array(
        'enable'  => false,
        'history' => 200
    'github' => array(
        'enable' => false,
    'action' => array(
        'add_database' => false,
        'bulk_delete'  => false,
        'add_value'    => false,
        'edit_value'   => false,
        'rename_value' => false,
        'move_value'   => false,
        'expire_value' => false,
        'delete_value' => false,

return $config;

Changes are made to the views and controllers.

I also replaced the config.dist.php file with config.sample.dist.php and added the config.dist.php file to the gitignore to keep a sample configuration without having problems with git when configure this application.

I have removed the .htaccess file but this change is not necessarily to take with my request.


sasanrose commented 7 years ago

@bronco0 Thanks for your pull request and sorry for delay. I have some questions.

1- Why are your commite messages not in english? Please change them to English 2- I did not get why you created a new config file and why you changed threshold to 1? 3- I blieve the config for this new feature should change. That's a horrible looking config to me. And to be more percise we should discuss about how to implement this feature. For instance, shouldn't we have a global view for disabled actions instead of only echoing something and die? Isn't it better to have a helper function to check if the action is enabled or not (Instead of checking config again and again)? Or as I mentioned before, what should be the structure of the config for this?

bronco0 commented 7 years ago


1) Sorry, I am french ! Yes, I'll change to English. 2) I don't create a new config file. I just created a copy of original config file to sample file. When I clone my PHPRemin (fork), I copy config.sample.dist.php to config.dist.php and edit this new file. Config.dist.php is in the .gitignore file, when I push the changes in GitHub, my setting is not pushed. 3) Yes, I also believe that this is not the best way to add these features, but I had to add these functionalities quickly. For me, the solution would be to add a accounts management and roles with acl. But have the choice of authentication method or not in the config.dist.php. Ex:

It's a very big job. Can one make my changes and then see to improve this ?


sasanrose commented 7 years ago

@bronco0 Really sorry for the delay. As I mentioned before, I believe this is not the best way to implement this. This is adding a lot of complexity and dirty hacking to the code (which is already complicated and not clean) to add a feature for a use-case that you need immediately and is specific to you. I do not see any point for this much of control over enabling and disabling the features. I believe if someone really needs this for a security reason should consider disabling commands in Redis itself ( As a result I prefer not to accept this pull request. But if you really believe this is a good to have feature can you raise a separate issue so we can discuss in details how to implement this? Thanks.