sascha-wolf / sublime-GitConflictResolver

A little plugin to help you resolving this nasty conflicts.
MIT License
44 stars 6 forks source link

Add a Menu [Feature Request] #11

Closed ggedde closed 9 years ago

ggedde commented 9 years ago

I know that you allow for Keyboard Shortcuts, but it would be really nice if there was a Menu for the commands. Like Tools -> Git Conflict Resolver -> {list of commands}

Honestly, I wont use this plugin that often. So I am not going to always remember which shortcut it is and I don't want to guess as I might do something else. Would be nice it there was just a simple menu.


sascha-wolf commented 9 years ago

There are the commands in the command palette. I could add menu entries just wanted to mention them.

ggedde commented 9 years ago

Thanks, I am just not use to the Command Palette. ctrl/cmd + shft + p Then type in Git Conflict