sascha-wolf / sublime-GitConflictResolver

A little plugin to help you resolving this nasty conflicts.
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Gutter marks linger after edits #18

Open michaelblyons opened 6 years ago

michaelblyons commented 6 years ago

If I fix a merge conflict by hand, the highlighting outline recognizes that the conflict no longer exists. The gutter icons, however, stick around. Save the following file:

If you have questions, please
<<<<<<< HEAD
open an issue.
don't worry about it.
ask your question in IRC.
>>>>>>> branch-a

Then, delete and edit lines1 so it says:

If you have questions, please
open an issue and
ask your question in IRC.

The UI for lines 2-3 will still retain their arrows, kind of like this:

 1 If you have questions, please
←2 open an issue and
→3 ask your question in IRC.

I'd like it if the gutter was cleaned up along with the highlighting.

1 If you just paste the text overtop instead of manually editing, the gutter behavior is slightly different, but still leaves a stray .