saschakiefer / generator-openui5

yeoman generator for OpenUI5 applications and assets
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Server implementation to run generated app; provide url aliases and enable resource proxying? #30

Closed js1972 closed 10 years ago

js1972 commented 10 years ago

We are currently using JADS (grunt-jads originally based on to serve our generated app. It is very simple and allows url aliases and basic resource proxying with GET requests (plus directory listings). We could continue to work on this....

However I've been investigating the widely popular grunt-contrib-connect plugin. On the surface it looks to have more basic functionality but dig a bit deeper and it can do all of the above that JADS can do plus more. You can do aliasing by specifing multiple document roots to serve from (effectively the same thing). It has middleware configuration enabling you to specify your own web server middleware. Standard functions include dir listing. Then there is a slight enahncement to this that allows proxies: grunt-connect-proxy.

Should we switch to connect...? Discuss....

Note that under the hood they both just use the Node.js connect module to do the work.

js1972 commented 10 years ago

Forgot to mention - live-reload is built into grunt-contrib-connect as well. I'm liking it more and more. I'm going to create a new branch "server" and whack this in to test it out with live-reload and proxying.

js1972 commented 10 years ago

Currently implementing a switch from JADS to grunt-contrib-connect and enabling live-reload. Have tested grunt-contrib-connect successfully with proxying odata resources... Wondering if we should include a generated app that does this?!?