saschakiefer / generator-openui5

yeoman generator for OpenUI5 applications and assets
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Grunt task for compiling js and css #79

Open adibiton opened 9 years ago

adibiton commented 9 years ago

A Grunt task like dist in (twitter) Bootstrap could be very nice (I'm looking for deploying on XS server)

js1972 commented 9 years ago

I'll integrate grunt-openui5 first to fine-tune the available build options, allowing for the creation of preload files, uglifying, etc.

js1972 commented 9 years ago

This is now done on the openui5-sample template. It can build the app into a dist directory and includes a component preload file with minimization (of the preload file only) using grunt-openui5. I can't add this to all the templates at the moment due to an issue with the preload tasks not working for assets in the root directory.