saselberg / ApertureToGallery3

Apple Aperture plugin to allow export to Gallery3
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Unable to load Albums #9

Open ry29 opened 13 years ago

ry29 commented 13 years ago

Hi, I added my gallery using the instructions provided. URL is http:///gallery then I placed in my Administrator's credentials. However, I could not retrieve API key. In the Apache log on the server, I can see the REST url is getting a 403 (permission denied).

\- - [01/Sep/2011:22:14:03 -0400] "POST /gallery/index.php/rest HTTP/1.1" 302 363 "-" "ApertureToGallery3ExportPlugin" \- - [01/Sep/2011:22:14:03 -0400] "GET /gallery/rest HTTP/1.1" 403 2 "-" "ApertureToGallery3ExportPlugin" However, if I get the API key from Gallery itself, and place it in manually, I still can't see the albums (and it doesn't appear to try as the access log doesn't show new entries). I try Add Album, which seems to try to add it: - \- [01/Sep/2011:22:18:36 -0400] "POST /gallery/index.php/rest/item/1 HTTP/1.1" 302 370 "-" "ApertureToGallery3ExportPlugin" - \- [01/Sep/2011:22:18:36 -0400] "GET /gallery/rest/item/1 HTTP/1.1" 200 1380 "-" "ApertureToGallery3ExportPlugin" - \- [01/Sep/2011:22:18:42 -0400] "POST /gallery/index.php/rest/item/1 HTTP/1.1" 302 370 "-" "ApertureToGallery3ExportPlugin" - \- [01/Sep/2011:22:18:42 -0400] "GET /gallery/rest/item/1 HTTP/1.1" 200 1380 "-" "ApertureToGallery3ExportPlugin" - \- [01/Sep/2011:22:18:42 -0400] "POST /gallery/index.php/rest/item/1 HTTP/1.1" 302 370 "-" "ApertureToGallery3ExportPlugin" - \- [01/Sep/2011:22:18:42 -0400] "GET /gallery/rest/item/1 HTTP/1.1" 200 1380 "-" "ApertureToGallery3ExportPlugin" - \- [01/Sep/2011:22:20:06 -0400] "POST /gallery/index.php/rest/item/1 HTTP/1.1" 302 370 "-" "ApertureToGallery3ExportPlugin" No longer ran 403 errors, but no album appears in the list, nor in the gallery on the website. I'll see if I can get a tcp trace to help debug this. Any thoughts on the 403? I searched around, and it seems to plague Gallery Installs. I'm on Gallery 3.0.2, Aperture 3.1.3 and Plugin 1.0. Thanks! -Ry
ry29 commented 13 years ago

Reading more, I suspect the 403 is a configuration problem on my Apache side. However, I confirmed that the iPhoto to Gallery3 plugin works fine against this install. It looks like this when it logs in to retrieve albums:

I'll work on getting a Fiddler-equivalent trace (not sure on OSX, but I'll find out)

ry29 commented 13 years ago

I was able to see the difference using a http debug tool called Charles. The iPhotoTGallery3 makes a direct post to http:///gallery/rest, sends the credentials and retrieves the api key. However, ApertureToGallery3 makes the initial post to http:///gallery/index.php/rest/index.php/rest which appears to authenticate successfully (according to Charles), g3sid cookie set and json shows the api key. The response from Apache replies with a 302 to go to http:///gallery/rest/index.php/rest, which the plugin follows with a GET request, but that is rejected with a 403.

Is there a way the plugin can hit http:///gallery/rest directly instead of gallery/index.php/rest/index.php/rest ? The URL I specify in the plugin is simply http:///gallery . I have tried putting /rest or index.php/rest without avail. I could try making an Apache rewrite rule to see if I can intercept it... If the trace files are required, I can email them.