sashas777 / bug-from-email

Fix for Magento 2.2.4 GitHub Issue #14952 (
35 stars 16 forks source link

Confirmation emails have no FROM or FROM email NOT WORKING #16

Open sumeetmobiwebtech opened 5 years ago

sumeetmobiwebtech commented 5 years ago

First thanks for making this extension but when i installed that extension in my website it is not working it is still strange name & strange email

i also asked from magento community but still no one knows that error. Please help me.

AaronONeill commented 5 years ago

This extension doesn't work in Magento 2.2.8 as Magento have added an extra step which doesn't pass through the "From Name". The extension does actually work when setting the email address - at least in my case it did. However, it wasn't setting the From Name.

It requires a further override of the setFrom() function in the Message class:



public function setFrom($fromAddress)
    return $this;


public function setFrom($fromAddress, $fromName = null)
    $this->zendMessage->setFrom($fromAddress, $fromName);
    return $this;
sumeetmobiwebtech commented 5 years ago

i already solved that error in comment code direct in core files. if we use your module now so actually what i have to do ? i am using magento 2.2.5 version

sashas777 commented 5 years ago

@sumeetmobiwebtech For 2.2.5 it should work. Not sure why it is not

irfanMukhtar commented 5 years ago

hi thanks for the extension. i was having email from issue (strange name & strange email) and this extension fixed my issue in magento 2.2.4. Thanks again

rickcj commented 5 years ago


Thanks for creating this extension. I have just launched a new site on Magento 2.2.7 and found this error when putting a test order through.

I installed this extension, but it didn't make any difference. The sender is still the

Is there something else I need to do?

sashas777 commented 5 years ago

@rickcj it seems related to some other configuration. The default Magento wouldn't have this address.

rickcj commented 5 years ago

@sashas777 I think that is the default from address as none is set, which is what I thought this module fixed?