sashtown / baseblog

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Fixes template names in blueprint definition #10

Closed dweidner closed 9 years ago

dweidner commented 10 years ago

I have been experimenting a bit with the new kirby cms and especially your starter kit. I think there is a small typo in the blog's blueprint definition which causes the Panel to pick up the name of the default content type instead of the desired ones.

Furthermore this brings up a discussion about naming conventions. Will you provide suggestions for naming content types? E.g. should variations always be separated by a "." or "-"? I think providing a convention could aid in terms of portability (e.g. when switching the theme).

Another aspect I wasn't quite sure about: Does it make sense to allow the user to create additional blog/search/feed pages in the Panel?

sashtown commented 10 years ago

Thanks for pointing out those issues with the blog's blueprint. It's fixed now.

Regarding the site's blueprint: IMHO it's better to only provide the option to choose the default template for adding new sites to the root. I want to keep it as clean and bulletproof as possible so the users can easily add/customize their own stuff later.

Regarding naming conventions: Bastian and I always used "." for variations of templates and I guess we'll stick to it. And yes, I was also thinking about some kind of conventions for building themes in general. But maybe it's a bit early for that at the moment because Kirby's ecosystem is still pretty tiny and not really comparable to — let's say — WordPress for which people can switch their themes via backend like weekly. The "switching theme" process in Kirby is far away from one that depends on a database structure because the templates are also bound to the structure of the text files and might differ from theme to theme.

A basic theme like Baseblog is just meant to be a solid starting point for the further development of an individual blog with Kirby. Maybe some users already have their own conventions and their style to build things. I don't know. But I will definitely keep that conventions thingy in mind for the future. It might be worth it at some point because there's much more to consider than just the way we name templates.

Thanks for your thoughts and your contribution!