sashuk / watsonc

WatsonC Vidi extension
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Profile tool, top margin? #87

Closed olemunch closed 5 years ago

olemunch commented 5 years ago

@sashuk The margin of the profile graphs behaves stangly. In a small window the profile almost disapears because of the large top and bottom-margin. The script does not set a margin as far as I can see. Can you figure out why and fix it?


WatsonC-hub commented 5 years ago

@sashuk Adding to the layout object
margin=go.Margin( l=50, r=5, b=45, t=5, pad=1 ),

solves the problem. Do you prefer defining margin in the script or applying same margin settings as defined in vidi for all other graphs?

Should I just apply changes to the code?

sashuk commented 5 years ago

@mapcentia @WatsonC-hub The layout setting was added in the JavaScript code, as the plots layout representation is defined via JavaScript code as well (keeping representation settings in the same place), implemented in

Demo (before and after): diff